Chapter 24

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Stevie's Pov

I was home, in my room that's what I noticed first, but my room wasnt't the same room I have grown accustomed to.

It was like it was when I was younger. One Direction posters hung all around, and the walls were a pale pink. That I have since painted over.

I was confused, yet I could here soft whispering coming from outside my door. I rushed to go investigate the quiet sound of a voice mumbling.

When I opened my door, I poked my head out to see a man across the from my door. His brown hair cut short. His head was down and he had his phone to his ear. He was talking in quiet hushing sounds.

Dad. I thought something niggled at the back of mind to tell me this wasn't real, but I pushed it aside.

The joy at seeing my father was all I felt as I called out to him. Yet he didn't turn around, he continued to talk on his phone.

I couldn't quite make out what he was saying to the person on the other line.

I didn't care to listen harder, I screamed "Dad! Dad! It's me." Yet he never once glanced in my direction.

Until he was no longer there. He disappeared like he never existed. Now I was in the school's locker room again. How did I get here. What was I just thinking. I don't remember.

I was nervous. I could feel my hear racing, but I didn't understand why. Until I felt a presence behind me. The feel of body heat against my back had my skin tingling.

I could feel soft breathing against the nape of my neck. "You feel so good gatita." Came a gruff voice. I tried to speak back, but another presence came to my right.

I turn to see the pericing eyes of emerald green staring hungrily at me. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as a smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

Beau was still as beautiful as the first time I saw him. "Are you mine love." He whispered against my ear. It made a shiver run down my spine as my pussy clenched from the soft tones of his voice.

I wanted to say yes. I was both theirs, but I still couldn't find my voice.

I could feel another pair of eyes on me. I looked out in the dimly lit room to see dark blue eyes glaring into mine.

Watching. Waiting. Calculating.

He was always there looking at me with such anger that I didn't understand why I deserved it.

"Tell them who you are" He growls out to me.

My mind try to wrap around the words. Bewildered at what he meant. They know who I am.

"Once they find out who you are they aren't going to be there for you anymore." Sin grunts out in his typical angry tone.

No. He was wrong they care about me. I don't know why he is saying this to me. They know who I am. I go to respond, but instead of saying words an annoying sound blares out of my mouth.

I wake with a gasp. As I hear the sound of my alarm going off. I groan to grab my phone off the nightstand to turn the incessant sound off.

The dream completely forgotten as the clock reads 8:30a.m. I don't rush to get to school because it is Sunday.

My favorite day of the week. Most people enjoy Fridays or Saturdays, but I have always found peace on Sundays.

There was something about the calm before the storm. Everyone hated Mondays, but Sundays were for family. Spending time together while enjoying each other's company.

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