Chapter 46

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Heath's Pov

I watch with an amusing smile as Sin chases Stevie up to his bedroom, you could here her squealing with laughter as she slams his bedroom door in his face.

His muffled voice coming from down the stairs. "You can't hide from me princess, you will have to come out sometime."

I smirk before throwing myself down on the pea colored couch. Grabing the tv remote off the coffee table, I turn on ESPN.

I slouch down into the cushion making myself comfortable. Man spreading, my thighs wide, I slept on this couch to many times that I could count.

Trying to get away from my enraged drunken foster father when he was in one of his moods. Sin always told me I was welcome to lay my head in his home. The couch used as my bed many times over. It was surprisingly comfortable, with how worn down from age it is.

I think about my foster family, since I got kicked out. I haven't really had much time to stop by. With the extra work I have been doing with Beau's dad in the ship to make some money, training, and just everyday life. I miss them, besides David of course.

I should take Stevie over sometime. I would love for MK to meet her, and Melissa, the mom I have only ever known. They would love Stevie I just know it.

My thoughts settling on taking Stevie over to meet my family, as I come aware. I can hear that Sin got into his room before slaming the door shut again. I could hear muffled talking before there is a stretch of silence.

Beau stands off to the side by the front door awkwardly. "Should we go up there with them."

I think on it, knowing if we do intrude on their moment we will revisit what we did together over break, but I know how much Stevie and Sin need their moment.

So I shakey head, "No, let's give them their minute together."

Beau shurgs before sitting down beside me, but putting alot of space between the already small love seat.

I grit my teeth ignoring the simmering anger bubbling from his rejection towards us being to close now.

We sleep in the same room for fuck sake. If I were going to make a move I would have done it by now.

I pretend to watch the game that I seriously have no interest in. My mind preoccupied with the blonde headed boy I have grown up with.

The way I felt his mouth on my dick as he ate out Stevie's pussy while I pounded into her tight warmth, never straying far from my mind.

We haven't talk about it. Everytime we are alone in the room now it's just awkward silence. Filled with unsaid things. I don't know how to get us back to how we were.

Even now as I try to get my mind off of it with sports entertainment, my dick has other plans. I calmly grab a throw pillow a place it over my hard length.

Hoping Beau doesn't notice, if I think he is acting weird now. If he knows I have a hard on because I can't stop thinking about his mouth on my cock then he will for sure run out of here like the devil is hot on his heels.

We both pretend to ignore the tension between us as we watch the tv. Upstairs you can hear that Sin has turn on some music. The vibrations of the bass are rattling the wooden panels in his house.

A smile coming to my face, knowing he did that to block out the sounds of Stevie's moans. For such a short little thing, she makes very loud noises.

"So..." comes Beau's voice as he continues to stare at the football game playing. I don't even know who is playing.

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