Haunted by

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"Come one guys. One, two, three.."

"Happy birthday to you.."

"Oh no.." Mark smiled shyly.

"Happy birthday to you !"

The young one looked around the restaurant.

"Guys stop, the people are looking."

"So what ? Let them look. We're here to celebrate your birthday !" James said.

"And the removal of your damn cast !" Yihwa joked.

"Happy birthday dear Masa.."

The young boy stared at the cake that the waitress just brought to their table.

She lit up the candles for Mark and left with a slight bow.

"Happy birthday to you."

"Blow out the candles and make a wish my dear." Vee said and gave Mark a quick kiss on his cheek.

This was the first birthday he celebrated since Nuea passed away.

He thought it would've been a lot harder to be honest but he was actually enjoying it right now.

The friends went out to have breakfast together and catch up on everything.

They're currently working in different clubs, meaning that they barely even seen each other in three weeks.

"Thank you guys." Mark said as he blew out the candles and made a wish.

"What did you wish for ?"

"Ow Kamphan ! Every year the same. I always tell you guys that he can't tell us or his wish won't come true !"

"It's just a wish Yi." Tee said and smiled.

"Oh no, you're kidding right ? You're the man I'm dating..? Bar dudes.."

"Ow, what is that supposed to mean ? Vee doesn't believe in this stuff either !"

"You don't?" Mark asked.

"I used to not believe into this kind of stuff.."

"So now you do believe in this ?" Tee asked and Vee nodded.

"What the hell made you change your mind ?"

"I wished for Mark to show up at the bar last year on my birthday and he actually did."

"Aw that's so romantic.." Yihwa squealed.

Mark and Vee were smiling at each other, their foreheads resting against each other.

The friends were talking but those two were in their own world.

"Thank you for staying by my side."

"Thank you for loving me." Mark answered.

"Oh and how much I love you."

"Oh guys, I haven't shown you my new baby pictures !" Yihwa said and pulled out an ultrasound picture.

"Oh my the baby's gotten so big already !" Fuse said with the biggest smile.

"Four and a half months already." Tee said proudly.

Mark finally got the picture handed and instantly smiled like crazy.

Vee did the same thing, running his hand over Marks back.

"I can't wait to finally meet her." Yihwa said, caressing her belly gently.

"Did you guys talk about a name already ?"

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें