was full of terror.

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It was the 26th of december and Mark decided that he would visit Nuea on the 30th.

The day he would be gone a whole year.

He didn't went with Mai and Ming yesterday but he knew he needed to go and he wanted to as well.

Mark told himself he needed to buy some candles for this day but in reality, he just needed to prepare.

He walked all the way to the mall, trying to calm down his fast beating heart.

He still had four days but just thinking about Nuea being gone for a whole year made his mind go blank.

He bought some nice candles.

Red - because he knew Nuea loved red.

He also saw a frame and instantly thought of buying it to put a picture of them in it and gift it to him.

Mark tried to ignore the fact that everything he bought was for Nueas grave.

Walking around the mall, without drinking or eating may seem like nothing, but given the circumstances, it was really tiring for the young boy.

He might be fit but on his way back, he was too tired to actually walk all the way home so he got an uber.

Thinking about visiting Nuea all alone made him nervous.

"We arrived sir." The driver said.

Mark payed and walked towards the condo but stopped.

Suddenly he wasn't tired anymore.

He didn't wanted to go back into his condo, alone, doing nothing.

He turned around and decided to take a walk and get something to eat.

He went to the small restaurant, ten minutes from here and ordered some rice with chicken.

Something he ate a hundred times already.

He scrolled through his phone while he waited for it to be ready and when he finally got it, he turned around and his heart instantly dropped.



The two boys stared at each other.

Neither of them knew what to say since none of them expected their first time seeing each other after everything would be so sudden and most of all - here between all those people.

"What are you doing here?" Mark managed to ask and Vee was about to answer, when another person suddenly talked to Vee.

"Vee, I'll take the- oh sorry I didn't knew you were talking."

Mark felt his heart drop, seeing the beautiful girl at Vee's side.

"It's fine Mina." Vee said with a smile but he turned back to Mark and saw the youngers frown, he instantly stopped smiling.

Vee knew how this must look to Mark, so he thought it would be best to clear up the situation head-on.

"Hey uhm.. could you maybe order. I need to talk to Mark real quick."

The girl nodded and took Vee's wallet but Mark stopped her.

"No, I don't wanna disturb your-"

"Come with me please." Vee interrupted Mark who finally nodded pretty hesitantly and walked with him.

They left the restaurant in hopes to have a bit more privacy.

Vee sighed and turned around to face the other boy.

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story Where stories live. Discover now