And then I can tell myself.

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"Have a nice day guys. See you tomorrow."

"Thank you teacher."


"Hey Mark, you wanna go grocery shopping with me ?"

"I would love to Yi, but I can't. I'm going to have lunch with Vee today."


"The man who took care of me that night..?"

"Oh sure ! Sorry, forgot his name."

Mark looked at his friend with a smile.

"You sure you didn't stalk him on social media already ?"

"My mouth is shut." She said and hugged Mark goodbye.

He arrived around 9:50 and once he stood in front of the building, he already saw Vee, so he approached the boy who was currently on the phone.

"No, I'm not at home Gun sorry."


"I'm going to pick up a friend of mine."


"No, you don't kn- oh I have to hang up, he's coming out now. Bye."

Vee hung up on Gun in a hurry.

He didn't wanted Mark to think that he's disturbing him.

"You didn't have to hang up. I can wait."

"It's fine." Vee said smiling at Mark.

"Did you just came back ?"

"Yeah, I talked to my teacher for a bit."

"You wanna go get changed first ?"

"Oh no, it's fine. Let's go."

"Come on, hop on." Vee said and grabbed the other helmet but Mark shook his head.

"We can walk there. It's not that far. You can park your bike over there."

Vee nodded with a smile and drove to the side.

"Sooo..." Mark said once Vee stood right beside him.

"Thank you again for taking care of me that day."

"Oh Mark, it's fine."

The younger one smiled at him and soon they made their way to the restaurant that Mark wanted to go to.

"I'm glad you're not angry with me anymore. I was really looking forward to grab lunch with you."

"Me too. I'm sorry for crossing a line yesterday. I didn't mean to-"

"Please.. don't." Mark said without looking over.

>I should shut up for as long as we don't really know each other.<

"Hey, how about we get to know each other a bit better ?" Vee asked.

"You want that ?"

"You not ? I mean.. maybe we become good friends?"

"Yeah, maybe. Let's go inside first." Mark said and stopped.

"We arrived already?"

"Yeah. Told you we can walk here." He giggled and walked in but Vee stood still, bamboozled.

"Come on now ! We're here to have a birthday dinner, not to watch the workers from outside." Mark called.


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