Who has not repaid his debt.

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Mark sat in his kitchen, staring out of the window.

He didn't get any sleep all night and at one point he just gave up and got up.

He had morning classes, meaning he had to be at university around 9am.

This was his first day going to classes after one whole month.

He didn't had the strength after his boyfriend passed.

He didn't feel ready yet but he had to go, otherwise he would fail his classes.

It was currently 6am and he was deep in thoughts, not even thinking about getting ready or eating breakfast.

His condo felt empty.

Normally, he and Nuea would've woken up around 7am.

They would have had breakfast together, get ready and leave for school.

They would've gotten coffees on their way and met up with their friends at a small flowershop near their university.

His phone vibrated, startling him.

A video call from his friend.

He debated if wether or not he should pick up but decided to answer the call.

"Good morning Mark. How are you ?"

"I'm okay Yihwa."

"You look tired. Did you get some sleep ?"

>Not even one hour.<

"Yes, I've slept a few hours."

"I'm glad to hear that. We planned on visiting Nueas grave today. Do you wanna join us ?"

Marks heart felt like it ripped apart again.

"Yihwa, I'm relieved if I survive university today.." He said.

Nueas funeral was four weeks ago and Mark only visited his grave once with Nueas mother.

He had no strength to do so, even tho he wanted to see his baby.

Since that day four weeks ago, he hasn't seen Nuea anywhere anymore.

He knew that he was only imagining seeing him, but that kind of calmed him down.

He mourned, but did not feel alone, because Nuea would be beside him, telling him that he's right here and everything will be okay.

His imagination let him live in his bubble for days.

"Mark, we'll be right by your side. I'm sure Nuea would be happy to see you visiting him again."

The young boy nodded hesitantly and Yihwas face lit up.

"Good ! Now come down."

"Why ?"

"Because we're downstairs waiting for you to get breakfast with us."

Mark didn't answer, he just hung up.

He didn't wanted his friends to see him cry again, but he couldn't help it. His emotions got the best of him.

He wrote her a quick message, letting her know that he's changing real quick and made his way into the bathroom.

He washed his face, brushed his teeth and grabbed his uniform before he left his apartment and walked to the elevator.

"Mark over here !" His friend called.

"Kamphan, good morning. Morning guys."

"How are you today Mark ?"

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat