I′ve been searching for a trail to follow again.

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"Thank god it's the weekend now. I am so exhausted." Yihwa said stretching her arms up in the air.

The first week of being back to school was over and Mark did pretty well.

He managed to leave the class on time whenever he felt a breakdown or panic attack creeping up and he actually was able to catch up on everything.

They were on their way back to their condos, luckily they were all on the same path, so the group didn't have to split up at school.

Yihwa's condo was right in the middle, which made it safer for her on days they had late classes.

The friends protected each other.

It was always like that and will always be like that.

"Guys!" Fuse said as he stepped out into the hallway.

"I talked to misses Hao right now and guess what.."

"Fuse, tell us !" Kamphan said annoyed.

He was in a bad mood because he was hungry.

"Pff..I've got a B in my presentation! I've reached 85%! I won't fail my class !"

"Fuse ! I'm happy for you!" Yihwa said and the others joined in.

"Let's go celebrate after school. I'm in the mood for some drinks after my good grade."

"Yes! Let's go to our old bar! Mark,  you're coming too, right?" Kamphan asked and everyone looked at the brown haired boy.

"Oh.." He answered hesitantly.

Should he really go with them ?

Last time he went there, was with Nuea. It would just open freshly healed wounds again.

No no..

Nothing was healed.

He missed his boyfriend deeply and he was sure he would just spoil the mood.

"Come on Mark, it won't be the same without you."

Mark looked into the eyes of his friends.

He knew it would hurt him, but thinking of all the beautiful memories...

Every birthday the friends celebrated there.

Their anniversary they spend there together.

Every night they tried to comfort James after he got rejected again.

>Maybe these memories will bring me a bit closer to Nuea.<

"Okay.." Mark said, secretly hoping he would see Nuea again.

It was his favorite bar.

They shared so many stories and memories, Mark was sure he would see him there !

"Yay !" Yihwa cheered but James was worried.

"Is this really a good idea ?" He whispered to Fuse who just shrugged it off.

"Okay guys, we meet each other in front of the bar at 7pm, alright?"

"7pm ?!"

"I need to get ready first! What if someone flirts with me ?!" The beautiful girl said, making her male friends laugh.


"You're not better." Fuse said to Kamphan.

"Oi, don't be so mean.."

Mark was deep in thoughts.

He didn't really listen to his friends bickering each other.

>I'll see Nuea again tonight.<

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story Where stories live. Discover now