the ghost of you.

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Mark woke up to some noise coming from his kitchen.

He was alone so his first thought was that someone broke in and he's in danger.

With a fast beating heart and some shoe in his hand, he walked out of his bedroom.

He was praying to ever see the sun rise again when he saw a familiar face sitting at the dinner table.

"What are you doing here?" He asked surprised.

"Did I wake you ? I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to."

Nuea walked over to his boyfriend and hugged him.

"I know you didn't sleep well tonight so you must be tired."

"How come you're here again?" The younger one asked, putting his head on Nueas shoulder.

"What do you mean baby ?"

Mark hugged his boyfriend back with tears in his eyes.

"You weren't here for weeks now." He sobbed.

"Why didn't you visit me sooner ? I really needed you."

"You needed time baby, not me."

"I needed your time !"

"No, you needed Vee's."

"What are you even talking about?"

"Mark, baby, come on. You know exactly what I mean."

"Nuea I miss you so much, I need you !"

"And I miss you." Nuea answered.

"I don't want to let you go."

"But you have to. Mark, I know that you love me and I love you. But you also love Vee and I am glad you found someone who can take care of you."

"I do ! I finally accepted that I fell for him, but what about you ? What about us ?"

Nuea sighed and pulled Mark over to their dinnertable.

He gently pushed the younger one down so that he was sitting next to him and thought about his next words.

"Mark, I am dead. There's no 'what about Nuea' anymore. I love you and I am thankful for the time we had but I want you to move on and live a happy life. Get married, have a family. I know that you won't forget about me and I know that you love me dearly. Don't worry about those things baby." Nuea said and stroked Marks cheek once again.

"Those years that we had together were the most beautiful years of my life. You made my life beautiful." Nuea said.

"Nuea, I am sorry for falling in love with someone else. I didn't mean to."

"Mark, you're alive. You shouldn't be sorry for living."

"I had a hard time accepting the fact that I like Vee as more than a friend."

"I know."

"And I wasn't fair to him.."

"That's a bit harsh."

"No, Nuea.. I always told him that he's just like you and sometimes I even called him Nuea.. I didn't mean to I swear. I made him feel like I'm using him to get over you."

"I understand.."

"All he did was loving me and even tho I like him as well I couldn't let go of you. I couldn't let go of our memories and our love. I thought I did and sometimes I didn't even realized that I was hurting him but.."

Nuea looked at his boyfriend, waiting for his next words.

"He told me that he loves me and I once again called him Nuea."

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