most of you.

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"Vee, desk 4 wants to order !"

"Got it." He said and grabbed a pen before he left.

"Hello, what can I-"

"P'Vee, hello."

"Hey guys. Where's Mark ?"

"Ow, are we not enough?" Yihwa joked.

"That's not what I-"

"He went to the toilet. Don't worry, he's here with us."

"Who's here with us ?"

"Mark ! I mean.. Hey."

>Fuck that was a little too excited.<

"P'Vee, hey. Did you take our order already ?"

"Not yet. Loverboy was waiting for his Mark."

"Yihwa.." Mark shushed her friend.

"Okay so.. What would you like to drink?"

"I'll take whiskey sour."

"Me too."


"Ew.." James said, trying to annoy his friends.

"However, I'll take a sex on the beach."

"Okay. Mark, the usual I guess ?"

"Yes." The young one smiled and Vee nodded before he left.

"The usual? Since when do you have a usual ?" Yihwa asked.

"Since he came here everyday the last two months." James dropped.

"Vee makes the best passion drop."

"I'm sure he does Mark."

"He really does. Well we met quiet often but with me having exams and him having to work we just decided to meet up here and he always made me a drink after my studies."

"So you came here to see him every day for the past few weeks?"

"Yeah I- It's not what you think. He's just a friend Fuse."

"Yeah just a friend who makes you drinks that aren't even on the menu." Kamphan added.

"That's not true."

"It is true. It's not on our menu. My brother just makes it for you. Hi, I'm Yoo and here are your drinks."

"Your introduction had major '..and your watching Disney channel' vibes. You're pretty cute.Hey I'm-"

"Yihwa and I'm in a relationship." Yoo answered with a smile.

"Damn it. Your girlfriend's lucky."

"Yeah, my partner is pretty lucky."

"By the way Mark.."

Yoo handed the young boy something, making his eyes widen.

"You left this in our livingroom."

"You found my necklace ?!"

"Yes, it was on our dinnertable. Vee didn't saw it tho but I did."

"Thank you so much Yoo."

"You're welcome. I figured how much Nuea's gift must mean to you."

"What ?"

"Gotta go guys." Yoo said and left to serve the other guests.

"How does he know about Nuea ?" James asked.

"Nevermind that - you were at Vee's parents home and didn't tell us ?" Yihwa interrupted.

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story Where stories live. Discover now