When the night

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"Baby ! Come on in !"

Mark stepped inside Nueas parents home.

Marina seemed so excited the second she saw Mark in front of the door but the young boy felt nothing but sadness and nervousness.

"Honey, guys, Mark is here ! Give me your bags dear, I'll put them away for you." She said and walked him over into the livingroom.

"Mark dear, you remember my daughter Lamai and her husband ?"

"Of course I remember Mai." He said smiling at them.

"Uncle Mark !" Nueas niece called for him.

Marks eyes widened.

He hasn't seen her in ages.

"Oh my, Ming.." He said as he picked her up.

"How come you're so big already ?!"

"I turned four already!"

"You're four already?" Mark said, realizing that he forgot her birthday.

"We celebrated at uncle Nueas place." She said, referring to his grave.

"Mommy said that you're busy but she gave me the doll you bought for me." The young girl said excited.

Mark tried to surpress his tears as he hugged the little girl tighter.

He mouthed a thank you to Mai, who just nodded with a smile.

Realizing that they never forgot about Mark, and even tried to keep the good image that Ming had of him, made him emotional.

"Oh Mark, welcome !" Nueas dad said as he walked into the livingroom.

Mark's heart dropped once he saw the older man.

Pravat didn't look like Pravat anymore.

He lost a lot of weight and overall looked like he hasn't slept in weeks.

"Come here, give me a hug." He said and pulled Mark in his arms.

The young boy promised himself to stay strong but he couldn't hold back anymore.

The second Nueas father pulled him in his arms, Marks tears fell.

"Looks like you missed me !" Pravat tried to calm him down with a simple joke.

Mark began to chuckle through his sobs.

"Don't cry dear." Marina said, running her hand over Marks back to comfort him.

"I'm not crying Mae.. Just got something in my eye."

"Sure darling. Come on guys, let's sit down. Dinner is ready."

"I'll help you serve it." Mark offered but Marina turned him down.

"You're our guest. You don't have to do anything today."

Mark smiled and accepted since he didn't wanted to argue.

Nueas mother served  rice and green curry, Nueas favorite dish.

She made it every year and this being their first christmas without him, made it weird for Mark to eat it.

He loved Marinas green curry but there was no person that loved it more than Nuea.

The young boy stared at his plate without moving until he heard someone clear their throat.

"So Mark.." Pravat began.

"How's university ?"

"Uhm, it's good ! Yeah.. I have good grades and I'm thinking of joining the book club for next year."

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story Where stories live. Discover now