Oh, take me back..

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It was friday night and Vee sat in his room with Yoo and Tawan.

They were talking about Vee's current situation when Tawan suddenly said something that Yoo didn't seem to agree with.

"I don't know Vee.." Yoo said to his brother after Tawan told him to agree on talking with Mark.

"Yoo, listen, I talked with Mark yesterday and I think-"

"You talked to Mark ?"

"Yes.. Dear, let me-"

"Why would you-"

"Yoo, let him speak for fucks sake." Vee snapped.

"Did you knew about that ?"

"Yes. Tawan told me that he talked with him." Vee said.

"I talked about the situation."

"How is he ?"

"He's not well. Just like you. He misses you and he's really sorry."

"Why do you only tell us now ?" Yoo asked.

"Because today's the first day that I come over and Vee's not crying under the shower."

"Well.. that's true."

"Shut up you two, I'm not crying."

"Hell you are."

"Just tell me what you talked about."

Tawan began to smile softly before he told Vee every single little detail of his conversation with Mark.

"He probably dreamed about Nuea again."

"I guess so. He was crying in his sleep."

"Yeah he did that a few times."

"Well the truth is - Mark told me that he was afraid that Nuea would hate him and I get that. He was afraid of living just like I was after Tinn passed. But he genuinely didn't realize that he was calling you Nuea so often. He's really sorry about that."

"And you really believe all of this ?"

"Yoo.. You're overreacting."

"And you're in love. That's why you can't think properly!"

"Okay you know what.. I'm sick of this." Tawan said and stood up.

"Baby ?"

"Yoo, you were there for me after everyone left me because I was too annoying. I lost my brother and Mark lost his boyfriend."

"That's not the same. You never called me Tinn or constantly made me feel like I'm not enough."

"Yoo, I love you so much but you actually have no right to talk to or about Mark like that. I know you want to protect Vee but I can't hear it anymore. Vee is the one to decide if he's going to forgive him or not."


"No. I'm talking right now, not you. Mark went through something traumatic. Yes, he's hurt Vee and he wanted to apologize. He knows that he made mistakes and he's currently trying to make up for it."

"I know but-"

"Silence. You can be mad at him for hurting Vee but for lords sake - cut him some slack. He's healing and learning. He said that he never meant to hurt Vee."

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