Book II: Aftermath - Chapter VIII: New Threats

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As the dust settled after the battle against Enrico Pucci, the group took a moment to catch their breath and assess their injuries. Itachi and Future Trunks had proven to be valuable allies, and Kaiba couldn't help but feel relieved to have more power on their side.

But their moment of peace was short-lived as a new threat emerged. News had reached them that a group of demons had crossed into their universe from a neighboring dimension, and they were wreaking havoc in a nearby city.

Kaiba wasted no time in assembling his team and heading towards the city, accompanied by Goku, Vegeta, Cal Kestis, and Flora. As they arrived on the scene, they were met by Verosika Mayday and Daki, who had also come to investigate the situation.

Flora immediately recognized Verosika from her days as a pop star, but she couldn't quite place the demoness accompanying her. As they exchanged pleasantries, they were interrupted by the sound of explosions and the wails of civilians in danger.

Without hesitation, the group rushed into action, facing off against the demonic invaders. It was a fierce battle, with both sides taking heavy casualties. Flora, in particular, proved to be a force to be reckoned with, unleashing her rage form for the first time in combat.

As the battle raged on, Kaiba couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the young girl's skill and bravery. But their victory was hard-won, and the group was left exhausted and battered.

As they regrouped, Kaiba couldn't help but notice the quiet conversation between Verosika and Daki. It wasn't until they had parted ways that Verosika revealed the reason for their visit: Daki was pregnant.

Kaiba's mind raced with the implications of this new development. As they returned to their base, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were facing a whole new set of challenges, and that they needed to be more prepared than ever before.

As the group was recovering from their encounter with Verosika and Daki, they heard a familiar sound of a lightsaber igniting. They turned around to see a figure in black robes, wielding a crimson lightsaber. It was Darth Malgus, the Sith Lord they had fought in a previous battle.

 It was Darth Malgus, the Sith Lord they had fought in a previous battle

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Kaiba gritted his teeth as he stepped forward, ready for battle. "You again? We defeated you once, we can do it again."

Darth Malgus chuckled darkly. "You underestimate me, Kaiba. I have returned, more powerful than ever before. You and your allies will fall before the might of the Sith Empire."

With that, he charged forward, lightsaber in hand. The group quickly sprang into action, preparing for another intense battle.

Meanwhile, Flora had wandered off on her own, exploring the area. Suddenly, she came face to face with Verosika and Daki. The two demons looked at her curiously, wondering what a small child was doing in the midst of a battlefield.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Verosika said with a sly grin. "A little girl all alone. Aren't you afraid, sweetie?"

Flora stood her ground, a fierce determination in her eyes. "I'm not afraid of you. I have friends who will protect me."

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