"Wil, do you mind knocking him out please" I asked politely. "What-" he said right before Wil punched him across the head, knocking him out.

Thankfully the neighbourhood was quiet so no one was around. "Tubbo you ready to pull up?" I asked thought the earpiece.

"Yeah, almost there" he said right as the black van turned round the corner. They then stopped and opened the door so we can chuck him in.

After that, we drove off the base for evil questioning.


When we arrived at the base we tied him up and sat him on a chair. I then lifted my hand and slapped him across the face to wake him up from when we knocked him out.

"That felt good" I sighed. I then looked at him in hatred. "W-what's happening?" Patrick groaned, waking up.

I stared at him in hatred. I was going to tell him but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. I gulped then looked at Wilbur. Wilbur looked back at me. I shook my head. "I-I can't"

My eyes started watering "Techno, ask the questions, George, you're coming with me" Wilbur said. He then lightly grabbed my hand and took me to another room.

"George...." He said then brought me into a hug. "He did it though" I said in a shaky voice. "I know he did....I know" Wilbur said, tightening the hug.

"I need to call Sapnap and tell him that we've got him and we are going to dump the body in front of the station" I said.

"You do that, I'll be here"

To talk to Sapnap, I have to call Dream.

"Hey George!" Dream said happily.

"Uh, hey Dream, are you at work?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Is Sapnap there? I need to talk to him"

"Yeah....why do you need to talk to him?"

"Private stuff"

"You and Sapnap are talking all this stuff that I don't know. Why?"

"It's a little personal, and not in a rude way, but only Sapnap can help"

"Alright, I'll give him the phone"


"Oi! Sapnap! George wants to talk to you"

"Coming!" I heard in the background

"Saps coming, and he's running for some odd reason. Here's the phone"

"Hey George. What do you need?" Sapnap asked.

"There is going to be a new body dumped in front of the station soon"

"Who is it?"


"-Pierce?" He cut off.


"Of course you found him, you find literally everyone"

"Well it's kinda easy, you police officers are shit at finding locations"

"Very, very, very true" he agreed

"Anyway, is it possible that I talk to him at the station....when he is conscious because....it's personal...."

"I've read a bit about him and I've noticed something so I think I know the problem between you and him, so of course you can"

"Thanks, well, we're going to drug him and dump him and all you have to do i slap him and that will wake him up"

My criminal (DreamNotFound)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz