Dungeon Boss, Tree Beast

Start from the beginning

That is triggered as it thrusts its clas toward you, and you bend backward to evade. Then the next reaction is triggered as you send a wave if flame toward the beast as reese jumped. He slammed down beside it as the shockwave staggered it fully. Leaving it open for a critical attack.

As Reese jumps back, you look at Poyapo as she points forward "Lets go! Its wide open!" The small Lalafell runs forward as you follow her.

The two of you ran side by side as you both scream. "HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" You and Poyapo both perform a sonic rave as you dash straight through it. But then you smirk as you trigger the Limit as you begin.

Ars Arcanum

You begin with An upward strike then a downward strike, 2 spin attacks to the right the. You keep spinning as you jump and spin as you perform a downward right slash. The. You step back as you thrust forward then swing left and finally the combo finisher as you spin and jump as you perform multiple slashes as you fly into the air. Then you stop as you fall and land.

With the finisher of Ars Arcanum landing, the tree beast hunches forward as it jumps i to the air and suspends itself to the roof of the cavern with its vines as it begins charging its ultimate attack

Natures Law

As it charges, you look yo at it as you turn and swing your hand to Reese and Y'jhimei "Get down!" You shout as you cast gravity magic to yank them toward you, then you look down at Poyapo as she stabs her gunblade i to the ground to brace.

Then the beasts attack is cast.

It roars as its chest opens and ir shoots out a massive stream of dirt, stone, mud, water and other landfound elements down toward you.

You grunt as you look up and raise your hand jist in time to cast reflect as a bubble shield formd around the 4 of you. But it doesnt last ling as the soell, while powerful was short lived.

After a few moments the Tree beast falls from the ceiling as you decast reflect and jump away.

When you all land away, the tree beast stands back up as it begins to seem weakened.

"Not much life left in it!" You shout, then Reese nods "Lets finish it off!" You point forward "Alright everyone! Take it down!"

Poyapo runs toward the boss as she jumps and flips over it. Firing multiple bullets at its head and down its back as she lands behind it. As it tirns to face her. Reese jumps and throws his lance toward the beast as it stabs it in the shoulder snd pins it still then you run toward it as you spin your key lade to be backhanded and then in one quick movement you slice straight through it.

And as you perform zanetsuken, you deplete the last of its health as it releases a death groan and falls flat. The. Reese grabs his lance as Y'jhimei catches up.

Then as the beast begins to disintegrate, you all stand around in a formation style as you perform victory poses

Duty complete!

Reese Kupp Experience:795!
Poyapo Dirge Experience: 795!
Y'jhimei osland experience:795!
Y/n Wesker experience:795!

Reese has reached level 17
Poyapo has reached level 17
Y'jhimei has reached level 17
Y/n has reached level 23

Reese simply smiles and gently pumps his fist at his side. Poyapo jumps for joy as she laughs. Y'jhimei puts her hands together and lofts her leg in joy

And you spin your keyblade around before you theist your fist into the air

Commencing return to Ul'Dah!


It was now Nighttime in Ul'Dah. After you all returned from your dungeon run, you decided it was best to head to bed and continue tomorrow.

As you closed the door to your inn room. You took a look around and noticed it resembled your old room back in Departure. Where you trained with Ventus, terra and Aqua all those years ago.

You breathe a heavy sigh as you remove your gauntlet and lazily set it on the table by the door. Then as you walk forward, your clothes vanish in a flash of light, leaving you in a pair of shorts and. Shirt.

With a tired sigh your Cat ears twitch as you yawn. You close your eyes and stretch before you climb up into the bed and fall onto your side. You curl up like a cat as you snuggle into the pillow as you sigh again and lay still. Your tail flicking one last time.

Its been a while since you visited Eorzea. But so far nothing has changed.

And so you attempt to get a good nights rest. Something you haven't really had in over 12 years.

*checkpoint reached, will continue when you returned*

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