6. an uninvited guest

Start from the beginning

"Sorry for what? What's wrong with you?" he asked, seeming puzzled.

"Oh, is there anything, Khun Kinn?" I replied with a sense of relief.

"I have a job for you," he informed me, and my earlier smile faded away. It was the last thing I was looking forward to today.

Khun Kinn's request made me uneasy. He wanted me to keep an eye on Vegas because he suspected something about Tawan's presence. I tried to push the responsibility away.

"Khun Kinn, can't you give this job to someone else? The last time I did it, it didn't turn out that well," I pleaded, hoping he'd reconsider.

He looked at me, his expression firm. "YN, you are the one I trust the most here. If there's something wrong, just call me. Don't let me down, YN. Understood?" He patted me on the shoulder and then walked away.

I sighed, realizing there was no escaping this task. I had to keep a close watch on Vegas, no matter how much I disliked it.

Arm, Pol, and Pete's sudden appearance and cheerful demeanor helped lift my spirits. They hugged me from behind, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey," I replied, playfully giving each of them a light slap on the back of their heads. "You all left me here alone!"

They laughed it off and tried to console me, knowing that I was a bit worked up.

"What happened? Did you get scolded?" Pete asked.

I shook my head. "What's the deal? It's just a task to keep an eye on none other than Vegas. Out of all these bodyguards, he chose me!" I explained, trying to calm myself down as I took a seat.


I quickly hid behind one of the temple pillars and discreetly dialed Khun Kinn's number

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I quickly hid behind one of the temple pillars and discreetly dialed Khun Kinn's number. As the call connected, I whispered into the phone, "Hello Khun Kinn, Khun Vegas went to the casino this morning and then he had lunch. Right now, he is doing something in the temple, but I'm not sure about it."

Khun Kinn's voice came through, calm and composed. "Okay, don't let him know that you are watching him. Be careful."

"Yes, sir," I replied and ended the call. I continued observing Vegas from my hidden spot.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. My heart raced as I turned around to see who it was. "Hey!" I exclaimed, relieved but startled. "Hello, Khun Macau..."

Macau seemed a bit surprised by my explanation but didn't press further. I was glad he didn't insist on probing, as I couldn't reveal my true mission. Vegas, on the other hand, was still standing beside me, his presence making me uneasy.

"Ah, I see," Macau replied. "Well, it's good to take some time for yourself and seek a bit of peace. I won't disturb your solitude any longer. Enjoy your time here."

"Thank you, Khun Macau," I said with a polite nod.

As Macau left, I was left alone with Vegas, who was still standing there with a smirk on his face. I couldn't shake the feeling that he knew more than he was letting on.

Reluctantly, I agreed to go with Vegas to listen to the monks' sermons, even though my true mission was to keep an eye on him. We entered the temple hall, and the soothing chants of the monks filled the air. I tried to focus on the spiritual atmosphere and the serenity of the place, but Vegas's presence beside me was a constant distraction.

Throughout the sermon, Vegas seemed unusually attentive, his eyes fixed on the monk speaking at the front. It was strange to see him so engrossed in a spiritual gathering. I couldn't help but wonder what his true intentions were, and I silently prayed that my mission wouldn't take a dangerous turn.

*Monk mantra*

As I went to fetch another jug of water for Vegas, my mind raced with conflicting thoughts. This mission had taken an unexpected turn, and I wasn't sure what to make of Vegas's behavior. He seemed genuinely interested in the spiritual aspect of the temple visit, which was at odds with his usual demeanor.

Returning with the jug, I poured the water as part of the merit-making ceremony, trying to focus on the rituals and the blessings they brought.  As we continued making merits together, Vegas's hand rested gently on my waist. The touch was oddly comforting, and a sense of warmth washed over me. It was a conflicting sensation, as though my heart was veering into unfamiliar territory.

"No, no, no," I silently chastised myself, my inner turmoil intensifying. I had to stay focused. I was here on a mission, not to get entangled in anything else.

Our eyes met, and Vegas wore his usual smirk, which I had become strangely accustomed to. With our faces so close, any wrong move could have resulted in a kiss. The tension between us was palpable, but I couldn't afford to let my guard down. This mission was too important, and Khun Vegas remained a puzzle I needed to solve. But Vegas's words about meeting again in the next life lingered in my mind, leaving me both puzzled and uneasy about his true intentions.

After the ceremony, as we were leaving the temple, Vegas turned to me once more.

"YN, it's been a peaceful day, hasn't it?" he asked.

I nodded, still perplexed by his demeanor.

"Let's make more merits together next time," he suggested.

I couldn't help but mutter, "I said, bro, really, I am so done seeing you in this life, and now you want to see me in my next life?"

Vegas chuckled, and I couldn't quite decipher the meaning behind his laughter. This encounter had only added to the enigma surrounding Khun Vegas, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.

I returned from watering the plants, and to my surprise, Khun Vegas had disappeared. In his absence, I noticed a sticky note placed where he had been sitting. Curiously, I picked it up and read the message: "Don't forget to do this together again so we can meet each other in our next life." It was as cryptic as ever, but it left me with a lingering sense of curiosity and uncertainty.

With my mission time officially over, I decided to unwind and went on a movie date with Lisu. It was a pleasant distraction from the enigma that was Khun Vegas and the mysteries surrounding him. Little did I know that my path would soon cross with his once more, leading to even deeper complexities and challenges.


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Love u all,💜

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