"I see. Wait...so Jiminie and I are gonna be a couple?!" he looked slightly disturbed. 

"No, you are just friends. We don't know who the other male lead is. Yoongi said it was a surprise."

"Oh. Okay, continue the plot."

"Yeah, so you both are close and are vagabonds. You are currently in the capital and were going to leave, but you come to know about the prince's birthday party. It was going to be celebrated like a festival because the prince brought good luck to the kingdom. Because you two have no other work anyway, you decide to stay. 

There, you meet the prince - or more like he sees you and wants you at any cost. He approaches you with some excuse and after talking for a while, you decide that you wanna gift him something for his birthday. He has everything, so you make him a flower crown instead. He loves it and flirts with you and by the night ends, you both are in his room, doing you-know-what. 

He comes to visit you after the festival, but you aren't there anymore - because you panicked and left - so he sends people to search for you. It almost takes a year and he loses all hopes by then. So by the time you are found and brought back, he gets engaged to a princess because he needs to get crowned. 

The second you get back, he loses all his mind and kisses you right in front of everyone, and it creates a huge controversy. After that, it's about how you fight against public opinion and solve your own problems and finally settle down and become Kings together. Jiminie falls in love and settles with a girl parallelly."


Namjoon chuckled at the reaction. "Not much, I know, but the fact that it's Hoseok-ssi's movie, and the fact that it's an A-Rated movie is gonna add charm to it. You know how Hoseok-ssi can turn anything and everything he touches into gold."

"Yeah, I know..."


"Am I allowed to give you my opinion?" 

Namjoon and Taehyung jumped and turned around to find Jeongguk standing at the threshold of the dining room with his arms crossed and a very judgy expression on his face. 

"Not if you are gonna be rude about it, nope," Taehyung said. 

"Pardon?! I'm never rude. But what I heard just now sounds like plain nonsense," Jeongguk answered and walked in. "And so are these clothes," he held his hanbok up by its collar and looked at Taehyung disgustedly. "What even is this?"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him. "Hanbok," he said and just on cue, Jeongyeon got down the stairs, looking uncomfortable in the male hanbok she was wearing - with Jimin surprisingly still behind her. "Oh? You're still here? I thought you left already," Taehyung said. 

"How can I leave her here in a house full of men and go," Jimin mumbled, but his words were quite clear to all of them. 

"And what are you exactly?" Taehyung asked, earning a snort from Namjoon and surprisingly Jeongguk as well. 

"You need not worry about her safety, young sir. I shall make sure nothing happens to her," Jeongguk said solemnly. 

"YoUnG sIr?! You look like a kid yourself!! How old are you, kiddo?!" Taehyung asked, looking scandalized at Jeongguk's choice of words. 

"How rude of you?! How dare you ask my age?!" 

"Then what do I ask?! How many times you peed your entire life?! You want me to calculate your age from the average number of times a man pees per day?!"

Jeongguk looked highly disturbed at that. "Your disgusting personality concerns me," he commented. 

"No one is asking you to be concerned about me!" Taehyung snapped at him.

Everyone laughed at that and joined the table. Well, everyone except Jeongyeon, who settled on the floor, a couple of feet away from Jeongguk, who didn't even blink an eye at that. 

"Hey!! You are too pretty to be sitting on the floor like that!! Come here," Jimin said, patting the chair next to him. 

"Mind your words, young sir. I shall not hesitate to chop your head off if you misbehave towards my lifesaver," Jeongguk warned and Taehyung rolled his eyes yet again. "Cut the crap and ask her to sit on the chair. It's gonna be uncomfortable for all of us if she keeps sitting by your feet," he said. 

"But she's my serva-"

"She's your lifesaver. You said it yourself," Jimin said and weirdly, he sounded stern enough for Jeongguk to just give in and look at her, who looked pale as if she had seen a ghost. 

"Come and sit he-"

"No, no, Your Highness, how could I ever dare to be at your level?! I shall stay here and serve you my entire life if given a chance," she said while frantically eyeing Jimin, silently asking him not to drag the matter. 

"It's really gonna be uncomfortable for us to eat if you stay there, ma'am," Taehyung said, sounding a lot more polite compared to how he sounded when he talked to Jeongguk, and it irked him a little, but he stayed silent. 

"But, sir-"

"It's an order, Jeongyeon. Sit on the chair," Jeongguk said and Jeongyeon shot to her feet right away. If it was an order, she had to obey, after all. "Follow what that young man says from now on," Jeongguk said, pointing to Jimin. He trusted Jimin more than Taehyung, anyway.

Jimin smiled happily at her and patted the chair next to him again, and this time, she sat down hesitantly and looked up at him with a shy smile. Jimin returned it without hesitation. 

"You behave like you are an eighty-year-old Harabeoji. How old are you?!" Taehyung asked again and this time, not wanting to argue anymore, Jeongguk just sighed. "Twenty-six."

"HA!!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly with a just as loud clap. "You are younger than me!! I'm gonna drop the -ssi then, Jeonggukie!! You have a baby face, anyway. It was getting highly uncomfortable to keep calling you Jeongguk-ssi." 

Jeongguk looked like Taehyung had demanded his Kingdom. 

Still, it was the beautiful grin on Taehyung's face that made him loosen up and let go. 

His name sounded good coming from the magical man, anyway. 

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