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As the day progressed, the Bangtan members, after having their lunch, were eagerly anticipating Hazel's return. They were excited to spend some quality time with her before getting back to their demanding mafia work. However, their anticipation turned to worry when Namjoon received an alarming call from Yi-joon.

The call came through while they were still seated, and Namjoon immediately answered, putting the call on speaker for everyone to hear.

Yi-joon's voice was filled with urgency. "Master, we're on our way back to the mansion, but another car crashed into ours. We're speeding up, but they're still following us."

Namjoon's face turned pale. "WHAT? Is Hazel okay?"

Yi-joon's voice was strained. "She fainted from the impact. We're doing everything we can to get back safely."

Namjoon took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. "Speed up as much as you can. We'll be waiting outside the mansion. I'm calling for backup right now."

"Understood, Master," Yi-joon replied.

The urgency in the room was palpable as the Bangtan members scrambled into action. They immediately contacted their backup team and dispatched additional cars to provide protection. Armed and ready, they rushed outside, their expressions a mix of anxiety and determination.

The car carrying Hazel arrived at the mansion, closely followed by the car that had crashed into them. Upon seeing the large group of Bangtan members and their guards outside, the attackers realized they had no chance of escape and were swiftly apprehended.

Jin, taking control of the situation, instructed Yi-joon. "Keep those guys in the basement. We'll deal with them later."

Yi-joon nodded. "Understood, boss."

The captives were escorted away, and the focus shifted back to Hazel. The Bangtan members hurried to the car and opened the door to find Hazel unconscious, a bruise forming on her forehead, and blood trickling down her face.

Yoongi, ever the protector, carefully lifted Hazel and carried her to her bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed while Jimin retrieved the first aid kit. Jimin's hands worked expertly as he cleaned Hazel's wound and bandaged her bruise, ensuring it was properly treated to prevent infection.

The tension in the room was palpable as the other members gathered around Hazel's bed, their faces etched with concern. They watched as Hazel stirred, waking up with a groggy expression and a throbbing headache. As her vision cleared, she saw her brothers sitting around her.

Hoseok's voice was filled with concern. "Are you okay, Hazel?"

Hazel nodded slowly. "Yeah, oppa. But what happened? I don't remember anything."

Taehyung spoke gently. "A car crashed into ours, and you fainted because of the impact. That's all."

Hazel's eyes widened slightly. "Oh, okay, oppa. How are Yi-joon and the driver?"

Jin reassured her. "They're completely fine, princess."

Hazel adjusted her position, leaning back against the headboard. She reached out and hugged the nearest person, Jimin, resting her head on his chest. Jimin's hand gently caressed her hair, offering comfort.

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