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Then soon in the middle of the night Yoongi sensed that his sister's temperature was so hot, and she was trembling too. He immediately woke up and sat straight, waking her up. But she wasn't waking up at all.

Yoongi took his phone out and stated calling his Jin hyung. After a few rings he picked up the call, but once he heard that his sister is sick and is not waking up, he rushed there in the speed of lightning.


Jin came to Hazel's room and immediately and saw that his sister was trembling.

Jin: Yoongi-ah, go to kitchen and bring a basin of water then a towel soon.

Yoongi: Okay hyung.

Yoongi rushed to the kitchen immediately. Jin took the water bottle that was present in the nearby table and splashed some water on her face, in order to wake her up. Hazel woke up, but her whole body was in pain. 

Jin: Are you okay hazel? 

Hazel: No oppa. My whole body is paining and I feel so weak. What happened?

Jin: You got a fever princess, don't worry I will take care of you get some sleep.

Since Hazel was tired and it was in the middle of the night she slept immediately. Then Yoongi came with  a basin of water and a towel. He went and sat on the bed near Hazel. 

He drenched the towel in the basin and wiped her face, neck, hands and her legs a bit to cool down her body. Then finally placed the towel on her forehead. Then he decided to ask his hyung what would be the sudden cause of fever.

Yoongi: Hyung she was fine right? why she suddenly got a fever?

Jin: Maybe she became very scared about what happened yesterday at the wedding hall.

Yoongi: Yeah hyung, we had so many securities but we couldn't stop it.

Jin: Now instead of increasing the security we should look for the amount of traitors in them.

Yoongi: Okay hyung lets discuss about this later in the meeting room with the others.

Jin: Sure.

Then Jin looked at Hazel, he reached out his hand and removed the hair out of her face and caressed her cheeks. He couldn't help but feel so sad for her, because she went through a tough time before entering this family and its becoming worse after entering here.

Even though she has a caring and loving family, it is dangerous for her at the same time. He was thinking about her the whole time and slept there with his hand on her head, and Yoongi's hand on her hand.

The next morning came soon. Jin and Yoongi woke up and saw that Hazel was sleeping but her face looked so pale indicating that she was sick. 

Jin: Yoongi-ah lets go to our room freshen up and tell the maids to prepare some porridge for Hazel.

Yoongi: Okay hyung.

They went to their rooms freshened up and came downstairs. Jin told one of the maids to make some porridge and got seated at the dining table for breakfast.

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