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The morning dawned fresh and promising for everyone. The previous day's revelations had lifted a significant weight off their shoulders. They were relieved to have shared the truth with Hazel and were happy that she accepted them despite the gravity of their secrets. They knew she wouldn't have accepted them if they were involved in illegal activities that harmed innocents.

On the other side, Dae-jung was seething with anger. The news of his secretary's death had enraged him. Although he had no personal attachment to Jun-seo, he was furious about the potential leak of sensitive information. Determined to salvage his plans, he devised a new strategy, one so vile it only a man of his caliber would conceive.

Dae-jung captured Gyeong-hui, a female maid from Bangtan's mansion. She lay bound on the floor as he approached her menacingly.

"Wake up!" Dae-jung barked, slapping her across the face.

Gyeong-hui's eyes fluttered open. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Dae-jung leaned closer, his voice cold. "You don't need to know who I am. I need you to do a job for me."

Gyeong-hui's eyes widened in fear. "What job?"

"You work in Jeong-ho's mansion, correct? I want you to place a camera in Hazel's room."

Gyeong-hui recoiled in horror. "What? I would never do that!"

Dae-jung's expression hardened. "If you refuse, I'll make sure your family pays the price."

Her face drained of color. "No! Don't hurt them! I'll do whatever you say!"

"Good," Dae-jung said, handing her a small camera. "Do it without attracting any attention. If you try to double-cross me or seek help, I'll ensure you don't see another sunrise."

He released her, and she hurried to Bangtan's mansion. Following his instructions, she cut the shower's pipeline, knowing Hazel would need to ask for help. This would give Gyeong-hui the opportunity to place the camera unnoticed.

Meanwhile, Bangtan's mansion was bustling with activity. The family had just finished breakfast and was preparing for a day out. They had decided to visit Jeong-ho's hometown, Yangdong, a picturesque village where they could unwind and enjoy some quality family time.

Jeong-ho addressed the group with enthusiasm. "Children, get ready. We'll reach Yangdong by afternoon and return by tonight."

Hazel's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "What's the village like, Appa?"

Jeong-ho smiled. "Yangdong is beautiful, princess. Since you love nature, you'll fall in love with it."

Hazel's excitement grew. "I can't wait to see it!"

"Then hurry and get ready," Jeong-ho urged.

The family dispersed to prepare for the trip. Hazel entered her bathroom and turned on the shower, only to find no water coming out. She tried adjusting the faucet repeatedly but to no avail. Frustrated, she decided to seek help from her brother Jimin, whose room was nearby.

She knocked on Jimin's door. He answered, surprised to see her in casual clothes.

"What's wrong, sis? Aren't you ready yet?"

"The water isn't working in my room," Hazel explained. "I'll just shower in your room if that's okay."

Jimin nodded. "Sure, take your time. I'll wait for you in the living room. I'll send someone to fix it."

Hazel returned to her room to retrieve her clothes. To her surprise, Gyeong-hui was already there.

"What are you doing here?" Hazel asked, sensing something was off.

Gyeong-hui's face held a forced smile. "There's a parcel for you."

"Oh, thank you. I'll take it," Hazel said, taking the parcel and leaving her room to head to Jimin's.

She bumped into Jin in the hallway.

"Oh, sorry oppa! I didn't see you there."

Jin looked at her parcel. "It's alright, Hazel. Are you ready yet?"

"No, I was about to shower in Jimin's room. This parcel was given to me by a maid."

Jin took the parcel from her. "I'll hold onto it for you until you're ready."

Hazel smiled gratefully. "Thanks, oppa."

With the parcel in Jin's hands, Hazel went to Jimin's room to get ready. She chose a floral frock that reached her knees and joined the family in the living room. Everyone was eager for the day's outing.

Three cars were prepared for the journey: one for the parents and two for the siblings. They set off, looking forward to a pleasant day in Yangdong.

However, not every day would go as smoothly as planned. The shadow of danger loomed as they pursued their goal of capturing the Dark Prince.

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