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Hazel had always cherished the mansion's grandeur, but today, it seemed even more special. She had spent the morning carefully preparing for the evening's events. With a sense of elegance, she styled her hair, taking small sections from either side and securing them with a delicate butterfly-shaped clip. 

She let her baby hairs fall naturally around her face, enhancing her ethereal look. Her accessories included a simple yet elegant ring on her right hand's ring finger and a sleek watch on her left wrist. Completing her ensemble, Hazel opted for a pair of classic black heels that added a touch of sophistication to her outfit. As she descended the grand staircase, her presence radiated an undeniable grace.

Meanwhile, the members of BTS were waiting in the living room. Yoon-ha and Jeong-ho had been discussing the evening's plans when they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. All heads turned in anticipation as Hazel entered the room, her beauty taking everyone by surprise.

Hoseok, who had been particularly looking forward to this evening, couldn't contain his admiration. "Hazel, you look amazing," he said, his eyes reflecting genuine admiration.

Hazel's cheeks flushed with a soft pink hue as she chuckled at the compliment. "Thank you. You guys look handsome too."

The rest of BTS joined in, their voices in unison. "Thank you, princess."

Namjoon, always the practical one, was quick to shift the focus back to the evening's plans. "Come on, let's go. Our parents must be waiting."

The group made their way out of the mansion and into the awaiting limo. Hazel found her seat between Seokjin and Taehyung, her eyes wide with excitement as she admired the luxury of the vehicle.

"This limo is incredible. I love it," Hazel exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine awe.

Taehyung, always the supportive brother, patted her head affectionately. The rest of the members exchanged glances, their hearts warmed by Hazel's enthusiasm and their evident affection for her.

After a pleasant half-hour drive, the limo pulled up at the beach. The sun was beginning its descent, casting a golden hue over the landscape. Hazel's parents were already there, waiting with smiles and open arms. Hazel bounded towards them, her excitement palpable. 

She wrapped her arms around them in a heartfelt embrace, her parents returning the gesture with chuckles and affectionate kisses on her forehead.

After a few moments of catching up, Hazel expressed her desire to visit the water's edge. With a bright smile, she informed her parents and made her way toward the beach. Jeong-ho, ever the protective father, followed closely behind, his concern evident.

"Yah, Hazel, be careful," Jeong-ho called out, his voice laced with worry as he reached her side and gently held her hand.

Jeong-ho, equally concerned, added, "Hazel-ah, you shouldn't run like this. What if you get hurt?"

Hazel, her eyes sparkling with love, looked up at her father. "Dad, I won't get a single scratch with you guys beside me."

Jeong-ha was momentarily at a loss for words, his heart swelling with emotion. He hugged Hazel tightly, his voice breaking slightly as he spoke. "Princess, I love you so much. Thank you for coming into our lives and for accepting me."

Tears welled up in Hazel's eyes as she responded, her voice tender and sincere. "Dad, at first, I didn't accept you. I loved my previous father so much that the thought of replacing him made it hard for me to accept you. But over time, I grew to love you deeply. I still do and will continue to for the rest of my life."

The heartfelt exchange left both Hazel and her father with teary eyes. They shared a gentle kiss on the cheek before turning back to rejoin the family. Their next destination was a park, where they would enjoy a peaceful walk before heading to a shopping spree and eventually to a movie theater.

As they walked through the park, the atmosphere was serene, with gentle breezes rustling through the trees. The family enjoyed their time together, laughter filling the air. Afterward, they went on a shopping excursion, purchasing an array of clothes and accessories that would surely become cherished additions to their wardrobes. The evening concluded with a movie at a local theater, where they enjoyed a light-hearted film.

As the night progressed, it was time for dinner at a high-end restaurant. The family arrived at the fancy establishment, drawing immediate attention from the other patrons. The room fell into a hush as all eyes turned toward them. For Hazel, this level of attention was unfamiliar and somewhat overwhelming. She moved closer to Jungkook, her nerves palpable as she gripped his hand tightly.

Jungkook, ever the supportive presence, looked at her with concern. "Hazel, are you okay?"

Hazel took a deep breath, attempting to calm her racing heart. "Yes, Oppa. I'm just a bit nervous."

Jungkook's reassuring squeeze of her hand was a silent promise of support, and Hazel felt a wave of comfort wash over her. She looked around the opulent restaurant, trying to adjust to the new surroundings and the attention they were drawing.

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