KAMIJOU: "Stars of Liella! Stand tall, frontline and center!"

At Kami-P's command, the nine of us stood in formation, awaiting his command. He is our producer, and we are responsible for following his orders.

Because to do otherwise was a breach of contract and would result in severe consequences.

Alongside Kami-P stood our drill instructor Shiro Okuda, the three members of 'DISCIPLINE,' and...

Alongside Kami-P stood our drill instructor Shiro Okuda, the three members of 'DISCIPLINE,' and

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KINAKO: "?!"

KEKE: "That's Leah Kazuno from Saint Snow!"

KAMIJOU: "I don't recall giving you permission to speak, Tang."



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KEKE: "Y-Yes..."

Hitomi held Kazuno in a headlock, dragging her to the center of the room before throwing her in front of us.


KAMIJOU: "Go ahead, Kazuno

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KAMIJOU: "Go ahead, Kazuno. Tell them EXACTLY what you think of them."

LEAH: *Cough* "Go to hell."

KAMIJOU: "Eventually, I shall. But I vowed to make Liella! the most powerful school idol group on this filthy sphere we call Earth."

LEAH: "..."


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Love Live!: TAKEOVER [PART 8]Where stories live. Discover now