But the jokes on him, I wasn't going to let that stop me.

I've gotten caught sneaking out many times so I always had a plan B or C, sometimes even D!

As soon as I shut the door to my room, I went to work. Couldn't go wrong with the old sneaking-out-the-window trick.

I stuffed my pillows and stuffed animals under my blanket. The deformed version of me was good enough. Besides, it was dark besides the moonlight through my curtains. I could get away with this.

I locked the door to my room, just for a safe measure, and proceeded to climb out of my window.

There was a gutter pipe next to my window so it came in handy for times like this.

The grass crunched under my feet as I successfully made it away from my house. The cold night air nipped at my exposed skin. It was like it was trying to shoo me back inside but, like hell I was. I didn't want to be in this boring house all night when there was a party calling for me.

As Carmen said, her white Chevrolet car was waiting for me a few blocks away. I hopped into the backseat, the heat welcoming me. "Finally!" Kireah cheered as Carmen brought the engine to life.

"Yeah... my Dad and Alex caught me so I had to sneak out." I shrugged.

Emma laughed. "Alex? Like your dog?"

"He's a traitor," I said, pulling out my phone. I quickly switched my active location to my old phone that was still in my room. It was a clever trick I found out when I wanted to sneak out. That way I could still carry my phone out and about. 

I have the mind of a mastermind.


Carmen pulled the car into the crowded parking lot of an old rundown warehouse. Vibrant lights shine through the rusty windows and missing brick. The four of us made our way inside the building, stepping over the red cups and someone's bra lying on the ground.

As we entered, the music vibrated in my chest and I could smell the sweat and alcohol hitting my nose. I grinned, taking in the moment. 

"Let's fucking dance!" I cheered, making my way through the sweaty bodies to the dance floor. Kireah followed me as Emma and Carmen went to grab us all drinks.

The beat of the music swayed our bodies and I already felt eyes on me. Usually, I'd be bothered but, I was going to let my mind empty. I needed it after the exhausting day today.

The party life was everything I craved. The freedom to just have fun all night without a care in the world.

Eventually, Emma and Carmen joined the two of us, passing us our red cups. I immediately downed it all. The three of them blinked at me.

"Damn, at least savor the drink!" Emma laughed, sipping on her cup.

"It's more fun this way!" I shouted over the music.

Carmen laughed before her eyes suddenly widened. "Holy shit! They're playing Truth or Dare!"

My ears perked up. "Where?!"

She pointed and I followed her gesture to the crowd. There was a group sitting on the couch, watching a bottle spin on the table. I saw Willow there, the others I couldn't make out the others because of all the people dancing in the way.

"Oh my god! Let's go play!" I grinned.

Kireah shook her head. "I'm good. You're too dangerous to play that game with."

The Dare (The Badboy's Claim Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now