I spotted my brother, Carson already waiting for me beside the red Audi car we shared, chatting with Carmen. It was the usual. They both had that lovey-dovey look in their eyes as they grinned so hard, I'm sure their faces hurt.

Some people wouldn't want their best friend to be with their sibling but, I didn't mind. Maybe it was the fact that my Mom and Aunt Audrey had a play in it but, they were cute. I trusted Carmen and Carson seemed pretty happy with her so I only wished the best for them.

"Aww," I said as I approached them. "Look at you two flirting!"

Carson narrowed his eyes at me. "Shut up, Elena."

I laugh before giving a hug to Carmen. "See you later?"

She nodded. "Sure thing!"

I opened the door to the driver's seat but, I was yanked back by my collar. "Hey!"

"What do you think you're doing?" Carson asked.

"I'm driving," I said and he chuckled. "Yeah, in your dreams, little sister."

"This car isn't only yours, you know?" I crossed my arms.

Carson copied me, crossing his arms as well. "Did you forget that Mom said you lost your car privileges for three months after you wrecked the last one?"

"That was not my fault! It was that old lady who didn't see me!"

He blinked. "She was parked."

"And she should've parked somewhere else."

"Passenger," He pointed and I sighed, walking over to the other side of the car.


I got cozy in the chair, glancing at the rearview mirror and seeing my brother and Carmen still talking. I guess we were going to be here for a few more minutes. 

Resting my head against the window, I watched as students lingered around the parking lot. Some headed to their cars or simply walked with their group of friends. Some people were hanging out. I even caught the eye of Batman.

The afternoon sun seemed to shine against his skin, making him practically glow. It made me a little envious. Graham leaned against the brick wall, puffing on a cigarette. In front of him stood Willow. She talked while swaying her hips. He didn't look interested in what she was saying. His void blue eyes simply scanned the parking lot and landed on me.

My heart leaped in my chest and I couldn't look away for some reason. His dark gaze was so dangerously captivating. It was like I was being drawn to him for some reason.

The car door swung open and I broke eye contact. Carson sat in the driver's seat and I gathered all the air back into my lungs. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah!" I laughed nervously.

"Okay?" He shook his head. "Put your seatbelt on."

I did so, glancing back out the window and Graham was no longer there. Only an angry-looking Willow. Ugh. Why did he catch me staring at him?

I thought back to the girls plotting to pair us together. I wouldn't dare be caught being a relationship with him. He's an asshole. I shoved the thought out of my head.

The radio played 'Kill Bill' softly. I hummed to the song as we drove home. There was an awkward feeling in the air. Call it twin telepathy or whatever but, I knew that Carson had something he wanted to talk about. 

There were a bunch of things we shared. The loose brown curls, the same caramel eyes, the faint freckles that littered our honey skin, and the fact that we tended to play with our hands when we got anxious.

The Dare (The Badboy's Claim Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now