"Nina. She's my sister, maybe not flesh and blood, but still."

Ajax nodded with a smile. "She has a talent for it is definitely." Y/N nodded in agreement.

"She definitely has."

It seemed that all the tension around them had gone. All it took was a short conversation, and all the distaste for the Poe Cup-related loss went away. None of them even realized it. One thing was certain, none of them intended to mention the Poe Cup event. They had already come to terms with it. They lost.

Shortly into their conversation, Principal Weems spoke. Explaining to them how the outreach day will work.

"All students will report for their volunteer tasks punctually at 10:00, followed by a community lunch at 1:00.

As you know, this year Outreach Day ends with a very special event, the dedication of a new monument in the city square, during which there will also be performances by Nevermore students."

Enid was visibly excited about this, her giggle confirming it. Bianca and her group exchanged glances. Confident smiles graced their faces. Y/N looked around for a certain goth. He found her with his eye, she returned the gaze without much expression like she always does. Y/N waved her off in the meantime, Wednesday nodded her head greeting him in her own way.

"She greeted me." Y/N proudly thought Wednesday Addams, acknowledging someone with a nod is definitely an achievement to be proud of.

Then Principal Weems continued.

"As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward,"

Xavier and Ajax began to smile widely. They were quite excited Y/N could agree he was too.

The teachers started handing out role cards for the students. Y/N received one from Ms. Thornhill, who was smiling at him. He looked at it and...

"What did you get?" Ajax asked in a flat voice.

Xavier looked unhappy with what he got. "Oh my god, I got the Weathervane." He looked at Ajax. "Dude, trade with me. Come on, trade with me!"

Ajax did not respond, he continued to stare at his card, smiling openly. Y/N, on the other hand, was indifferent. "Pilgrim World? Is that good or bad?" Y/N asked looking up from his card.

A glint flashed in Xavier's eyes. "Awful you got. Come on swap with me." Xavier was practically begging by now.

Y/N shook his head. "No. I don't want to."

Xavier rolled his eyes in annoyance. "You specifically don't want to switch, huh?" He asked already sure of the answer Y/N would give him, And how it irritated him.

Y/N laughed lightly. "You're too eager to swap. And you're an absolute asshole, so no." There was a cheerful note in his voice.

Xavier's face took on an unpleasant grimace. "I hate you." The irony was audible.

A short moment passed and Y/N saw Pricipal Weems talking to Wednesday. Gazing at her, he began to ponder. "She is the key. But to what. That monster left us, and it could have killed us without much trouble, but it didn't. Is it related to this? Will I have to meet him again..." Y/N shook his head dismissing this negative thought. "No. No matter what comes my way, I will help her as much as I can. Not because Goddy said so, but because I want to."

In meantime, Xavier and Ajax went somewhere else.

"You're going to burn a hole in her head if you keep looking at her like that." A sudden voice pulled him out of his reverie. He looked to his right and saw Enid smiling. "Do you like her?" She asked teasingly, poking Y/N with her elbow.

Human In The Nevermore. (Wednesday x Male reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu