He's Back! - SHINee

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TW// fainting

Jonghyun looked down on the earth below. He saw all the people walking around, but he was looking for a specific person. He scanned the crowd with his birdseye view, but he still didn't see him. He moved over to another area and tried to see if he was there. He flew around from place to place until he finally spotted him.

Taemin had been visiting Jonghyun's grave and was leaving the area when he felt like someone was watching him, but it was a comfortable feeling. He felt safe and secure. He walked back home, and the feeling came with him. Once he was home, Jonghyun went to check on Minho, Onew, and Key. He missed them, and he wished he could tell them how much he loved them, but he couldn't, so he opted to be their guardian angel.

He had been protecting them and cheering them on from afar for five years now, and he was proud of how far they had come. "I wish I could talk to them," he said quietly to himself. Suddenly, someone he did not recognize popped up in front of him. "The Board of Heaven has accepted your request. You have twenty-four hours on earth before you will be brought back. Go make the best of it." Jonghyun was bewildered. "What? Who are you?" The other being just smiled at him, and the next Jonghyun knew he was standing in the crowd he had been watching over. He looked around at the signs and realized it wasn't the same crowd. He was in a different city. "Of course, it wouldn't be so easy," he mumbled to himself. He looked around and saw a sign for the train station. He reached into his pocket to find he had no money. "I guess I'll just walk it," he thought to himself. He started walking. He knew the way from all the times he had flown over the city.

He walked for a few hours before sitting on the side of the highway to take a break. A car pulled up next to him. "Hey, where are you going?" the guy in the car asked. Jonghyun told him, and he smiled. "I'm passing through there. I can drop you off!"

"Thank you," Jonghyun said as he climbed into the passenger seat. The two made pleasant conversation until they pulled up to a restaurant. "I was a bit hungry," the man said. "Do you want to come in with me?"

Jonghyun looked down. "I don't have any money."

"Dont worry about that. I can pay for you."

"Thank you."

The two walked into the restaurant ordering what they wanted and sat down to eat. Jonghyun looked at the food before digging in. He had forgotten the taste of food and how good it was. Pretty soon, the meal was over, and they were back on the road.

An hour later, Jonghyun got out of the car, thanked the other man, and walked towards Key's apartment. He was almost there when he got caught up in a crowd. He sighed. Eight hours had already passed, and he knew his friends would need to sleep at some point as well. Another hour later, he finally made it through the crowd and knocked on Key's door. There was no answer, and after a few minutes, he walked over to Minho's apartment. He didn't answer the door either. Taemin and Onew were also not home.

Jonghyun decided to sit down and wait outside Taemin's door. There was nothing he could do anyway. Slowly, he fell asleep. When Taemin came back home five hours later, he was still sleeping there outside the door.

Taemin saw him and startled. He thought there was a sasaeng fan outside if his door and immediately called the rest of his members, who ran over as quickly as they could. None of them realized who he was as he was wearing a mask. Slowly, Key crept closer and removed his mask before gasping and fainting. Minho rushed over and froze when he saw who was sleeping there. Everyone else was shocked as well.

Slowly, they got over the shock and brought both Key and Jonghyun inside. Key came to not long after, but Jonghyun stayed asleep. He woke up in a bed four hours later and jumped up. He looked at the time. "I only have six hours left," he half yelled. Key poked his head in, hearing him. "Six hours for what?" he asked. Jonghyun shook his head. "Call everyone over."

"They're all already here." Key left the room with Jonghyun and went to where everyone was waiting in the living room. They all looked at him. "How are you here?" Minho asked. Jonghyun told them about his twenty-four hours and how there were only six hours left. "Let's make the most of our time," Onew stated.

They all talked for the next few hours. As time was ending, Jonghyun looked at each of them. "I love you guys," he started. "I miss you guys, and I'm always watching over you. I'll always be with you." He smiled as he faded, and it was like he was never there.

"I'm so glad we got to see him again," Key said. "Me too," Taemin agreed. "And it was healing, too."

Minho nodded. "It's also good to know he's going okay."

Onew spoke up. "I'm glad he came," he said, "and it helped us too."

Jonghyun, floating above them, smiled. He was happy he got to talk to them and he was happy it made them happy. As he flew back up in the sky, he was content. He flew straight to the Board of Heaven to thank them and then headed back to continue his job as the guardian angel of SHINee.

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