Surprise Costume - Luminous

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Steven was nervous. Back in Australia he had always gone all out for his Halloween costume but he wasn't sure he could do that here, or maybe he would be made fun of for it. After much agonizing, he decided he would still dress up and go all out. He started planning his costume in secret. Whenever any of the other would ask, he stayed silent.

Suil noticed that Steven was working hard on his costume and being his curious self, he decided to make it his mission to figure out what Steven was going to dress up as for Halloween. He would hide under his bed but he started sneezing from the dust. He tried hiding in the closet but he couldn't fit, it was too full of clothes. Steven saw his attempts and started trying to be even more secretive.

Surprisingly, when he was found out, it wasn't Suil, it was Youngbin. He found a white lab coat covered in what appeared to be blood. He was about to walk out with it and ask who had murdered someone when Steven walked in and his face fell.

"You found it," he said.

"Found what?" Youngbin asked before looking at the no longer white lab coat. "Oh! You're Halloween costume!" Steven nodded sadly. "Hey," Youngbin sat on the bed and patted the space next to him. "What's wrong?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

"I'm sorry I saw it. Do you want me to help you with it and help you keep it a surprise from everyone else?"

Steven nodded and from that day on Youngbin helped him make and keep his costume a secret.

As Halloween approached, Steven's nervousness left him and he started getting excited, especially now that Youngbin was helping him.

The day if Halloween arrived. Steven got ready and walked into the living room where everyone else was waiting. "You look amazing!" Woobin exclaimed, and he really did. He was wearing a white lab coat covered in "blood" with a "blood" covered scalpel in his pocket. His hands and face were splattered with fake blood. His pants were black as were his shoes and the shirt under his labcoat was also bloodstained. His name tag on his kab coat read Doctor Steven. Youngbin decided to match him. Suil was dressed as Mario and Woobin just wore a headband with kitty ears.

Steven looked at his friends happily as they walked out the door to go trick or treating.

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