It's Ok To Be Gay - Xdinary Heroes

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This was requested by YEJIHOLIC I hope you enjoy it!!


Jooyeon walked into the classroom of his new school. It was the middle of his second year of high school and he was nervous. The teacher stood in front of the room and beckoned him inside. "Please introduce yourself to the class," she asked him. He stood there looking out at the class gathering his confidence. After a few seconds he said,"Hi, my name is Jooyeon. I love music and sports. I hope we can get along!"

"You can go sit next to Gunil," the teacher told him, pointing to an empty seat. Jooyeon nodded and sat down. Gunil smiled. "Welcome to XH High. What brought you here?"

Jooyeon smiled. "I got kicked out of my previous school. I'd rather not talk about it."

"Ok," Gunil replied. "I hope we can be friends."

"I would love that," Jooyeon grinned.

The rest of the class went by quickly and Gunil decided to walk him to his next class, history. There they parted ways as Gunil had a different class. Jooyeon walked in and had a repeat of the previous class. This time he was seated next to a cute boy who's a teacher had called Seungmin. "Pictures last longer," Seungmin said when he caught Jooyeon staring. Embarrassed, Jooyeon turned back to the front of the classroom, his ears red.

When lunch time came around Gunil called Jooyeon to sit with his friends, Jooyeon recognized Seungmin. How could he not? The rest were unfamiliar. Gunil quickly introduce them all. "The one with the pink and blue hair is Gaon, the one half hiding behind him is Jun Han, the one next to him is Jungsu, and finally, this is," he said pointing to Seungmin.

"But didn't the reacher call you Seungmin?" He asked. gave a small chuckle. "that's my birth name given to me by my worthless parents. I don't like associating with him after what they did to me. I go by" Jooyeon nodded, afraid to ask more. A few seconds of awkward silence passed before Gunil jumped up."Let's go get lunch," he yelled running off to the line. Gaon laughed and ran to join him and everyone else followed behind the two of them.

A month passed by quickly as Jooyeon got acclimated to the new school. He very quickly became part of Gunil's little group. They called themselves the Heroic Villains. Jun Han was very shy but opened up once you got to know him. Gunil was loud and crazy but that was what made him lovable. Gaon and Jooyeon quickly became best friends. Jungsu was a bit strange but everyone has something weird about them. Jooyeon did notice a lot. He was very conscious of where he was when he was around. He was very aware of his presence. He quickly realized he liked him but he didn't want to ruin his new friendship with this group.

More and more time passed and Jooyeon's feelings only grew. He didn't know what to do with himself. One day, towards the end of the year, as the Heroic Villains were walking through the halls, a senior came up to them."Hey Jooyeon," he taunted. "I heard you got kicked out of your old school for being gay! You're disgusting!"

"Hey!" Gunil yelled at him. The senior turn towards him."Don't touch my friends."

"I didn't touch him," the senior defended himself. "I'm only telling him how disgusting he is. Gays are disgusting and there's no place for them in this world." The anger on Gunil's face surprised the senior. "I'm bi," Gaon spoke up. "And I'm gay as well," added. The senior looked at them before scoffing and walking off.

"Are you ok?" Gunil ask as soon as he was gone. Jooyeon sighed."I'm used to it," he said sadly, "and he's right. That was why I was kicked out for my previous school."

"Well they lost the most amazing person I've ever met," Gaon told him, "and I mean that!" It wasn't until that night when it hit Jooyeon that had said he was gay! He had a chance! But did he want to take it?

The decision was taken away from him the next day when pulled him to the schoolyard in between classes. They sat down on the bench as fiddled with his fingers. "What did you need?" Jooyeon asked after a couple minutes of silence.

"I like you," said finally. "I've liked you since you first came to the school and I first laid eyes on you. You're beautiful. As I got to know you, I fell for you more. I really really like you Jooyeon. And then yesterday, when that senior started picking on you, I knew I needed to let you know. There's no way I would let you go through that alone. I needed to tell him that I was too and I had to tell you that I like you. I like you so much, it hurts. I want to make you mine. I want to walk in the hallway with you and hold your hand. I want to kiss you. I want you." finally stopped talking and looked up at Jooyeon who looked shocked. "Really?" He asked. "You really feel like that?" nodded.

"I want you too," Jooyeon whispered for leaning forward and placing the lips together. When they pulled apart, they smiled at each other. "Come on," Jooyeon said. "We've got news to share with everyone." smiled and nodded. "Yes we do." The two held hands as they walked back into school to deliver their exciting news to their friends.

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