The Missing Kairi - TFN

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The tree stood in the middle of the dorm with its bright lights and ornaments. There was a star at the top and eight stars with a picture on each, but one was missing.

"Where is Kairi's star?" Noa whisper yelled to Sian. The two had bought the tree and made a star for each member that they had hung up on the tree. Everyone was asleep and they had been excited to surprise everyone with the tree and the stars, but now one was missing. They looked everywhere but they couldn't find it. They decided to not hang up any of the stars yet but they hoped that by the time Christmas came in five days, the star would turn up.

In the morning, Gunwoo was the first one up. He saw the tree and thought it was a little too plain so he printed out the group logo, added a hook, and hung it on the tree. Kio came down next and saw the tree, now with their logo. He added an edelweiss flower for the fans. Slowly, a everyone came down and saw the tree, the tree got more full. By the time Noa and Sian came down, the tree was almost completely full with little room for much else.

They gave each other a look and walked into the living room where everyone was discussing the tree. "Did either of you get it?" Leo asked turning to Noa and Sían. "We both did," Sian said. "Were you surprised?" They all nodded and looked towards the tree.

Later that night Noa and Sian sat down together to discuss the tree and the missing star. "I love what they added," Sian said. "I'm glad they were able able to make it more all of ours."

Noa nodded in agreement. "By the way," he said, "have youmanaged to figure out what happened to Kairi's star?"

Sian shook his head. "I'm going to call the place we bought them and see if they can make a new one."

"You do that."

Sian called the next morning but they told him the new one would not be ready until after Christmas. Neither of them knew what to do.

Christmas was getting closer. The two of them started to get nervous that they wouldn't be able to do the rest of their surprise.

Finally, it was Chritmas eve. The group sat around the table for Christmas dinner. The night passed quickly and everyone put their presents under the tree for the next day before heading up. As Noa was heading to his room to go to sleep, disappointed that the surprise didn't work out, he saw sticking out from under his bed, Kairi's star.

He ran to Sian and dragged him downstairs before presenting the star to Sian. "I found it sticking out from under my bed!"

"How did it get there?"

"I don't know, but I looked down and saw it."

"Let's go put them up."

"Let's wait a little bit for everyone to fall asleep first."

The two waited for an hour before tiptoeing downstairs, holding the box with all the stars.

"What are you two doing?" They heard a voice behind them. They turned around to see On standing in his pajamas. "Shh," they said at the same time. "Go to bed."

"Not until I see what you're doing."

"Fine," Noa said and continued going downstairs. When they opened the box On yelled "Oh my god it's so cute!"

"Shut up On! We don't anyone to wake up!"

"Sorry," On said.

The three put up the stars on the tree, finally completing it, and took a step.

"They're going to be so surprised tomorrow," On said.

"It was supposed to be a surprise for you too," Sian grumbled.

"Sorry," On mumbled. "I was curious."

"Just keep it a secret for tomorrow."

"I will."

"I'm going to bed," Noa interrupted and the two nodded and followed him upstairs to bed.

The next morning they were awaken to Kevin running into the room. "Guys" he yelled, "Wake up and come look at the tree!" Everyone slowly stumbled out of bed and down to the tree. "Surprise," Sian said.

"It's adorable," Zero replied staring.

"I love it," Kio stated.

They stood staring at the tree and enjoying the new stars for a few minutes before they went to the kitchen for breakfast. When they were done, they sat down around the tree and got ready to open their presents.

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