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It's been a few days, father been keeping Astro in a cage just in case he tries to contact anyone, I been ordered to stay in my room just in case I pull a stunt, "screw off" I groaned I looked over to Kia, "you can't keep yourself locked up in here forever" she argued, "it's not like I can escape" I replied I heard a knock on my door and turned my head, "how are you" Damian asked I just looked at him, "listen I brought you food" he said setting down mochi, I gave a light hearted smile, my face start to feel wet, I touched my cheek and realized I'm crying, "what's wrong" Damien asked worried I just shook my head, "how's he doing" I asked Damian shook his head and mumbled some, "he's fine, stop worrying about that traitor" he said, "he could have gotten you killed so why do your worry about him" he added then shook his head, "if you eat I'll see if I can convince father to let you out your room" he said walking out.

Damien pov

I can't believe she still worries about him "damn it" I groaned I walked to the cell where we are keeping Astro tch if I can even call him that, "get up" I ordered he been chained to a wall just in case he tries any funny business, "you're still not going to talk huh" i said, "how's Malkia" he asked in a weak tone, "she is none of your concern" I replied, he looked up at me then looked away, "did she at least ask about me" he questioned in a pleading tone, "why do you care so much it doesn't make any sense" I said walking towards him, "all you have done since you got here was lie, personally I give two shits about your betrayal, but her" I added standing in front of him, "some reason she cares about you deep wonder if it's a spell-", "I won't never do that" he interrupted yelling a bit, "then what is it, who would betray their home country for a girl" I yelled grabbing his cheek, "I want answers if you don't say anything I can guaranty that you'll never see her again" I threaten pushing him away, I walked towards the door, "I- no she wants to give you the benefit of the doubt don't break what little trust she has in you" I added before leaving the room when I looked up Father was here, he just looked threw the cell window, "you can't let your feelings cloud your judgment" he bluntly said, "I know bu-", "no buts your sister could have gotten hurt Hell she has and it's all because OF HIS FAMILY" my father yelled I flinched a bit I never seen father this angry before, what dose he mean because of his family, "has she eaten" Father asked calmly I just shook my head, he groaned a bit and walked off before hitting Astros door.

Issa pov

"Why aren't you eating" I yelled busting open Malkia door, she was just sitting on her bed looking out the window, damn it she looks like she lost weight, I looked down at the plate to see mochi, damn it "he can't be trusted just forget about him" I said walking towards her, she turned her head towards me and I see her eyes are puffy and red, "hunny" I whispered getting on my knee, "what do you want" she muttered, "you haven't eaten in three days" I answered, "I'm not hungry" she answered, turning away, "if you don't eat you'll get sick" I argued, "I get hes-", "NO YOU DONT" she yelled looking at me tears covering her face, "hes been the only person that sticks with me and doesn't judges" she added, "mother left with her lover you didn't want anything to do with till I was three Damian only met me because the maids left me united, you know every time I go somewhere there's always a look of pity in someone eyes" she sobbed, "he-he was the only person I thought liked me but no it was just a ploy to kill Damien, so why did he smile and laugh with me huh it doesn't make any sense" she begged, I did know she felt this way I know I wasn't the greatest father but to feel like a outsider, I looked back to Malkia to see her arms glowing, "hey hey ca-" I tried to speak but a huge portal opened "Issa why did you do this I thought we was friends" I voice said, I just shook my head this isn't the time to think about him, I tried to grab her arm but I got burnt, "no no this can't happen again" she cried, randomly a man fell from the portal, "WHAT THE HELL" he yelled, he looks around then we make eye contact "you what's going on" he asked some reason he looks familiar, I was about to explain but I saw a weirdly familiar girl floating above her, "MIKA" the man next to me yelled, the spirit eyes widened then they vanished.

Malkia pov

Come on clam down JUST CALM DOWN, why is this happening my arms burn everything hurts and it's all because of him why lie, I heard faint voices call my
name but i couldn't hear it, the room felt cold and dark, Kia disappeared when Abylay was called a familiar name, I felt my body grow heavy I'll just take a nap.

Astro pov

I messed up bad why didn't I just tell her who I am damn it I heard from their argument that she hasn't been eating, I need to find a way to talk to her, how the hell am I getting out of this damn cell, "what the hell" I said confused, something felt off and I started to hear yelling, come on think think, I looked around to see if I can break the chains, I heard my door open to see a random maid, what the hell, "Astro are you ok" she said running towards me, I look behind her to see the guards knocked out, "come on we have to get you free something is going on with Malkia" she said, when she freed me I moved back, "who the hell are you" I asked, I spotted Emily behind her about to beat her with a club, "move one more step I'll kill you" she threatened in a cold tone, I moved towards Emily to protect her, "tch always being the hero, Mal needs you" she muttered, "wait, what's wrong with her" I asked, "that's why I came" Emily said grabbing me I heard the strange maid growl "sure you did", "Shit" she added, she lifted her hand and I fell threw a portal.

"You bested me in my other lives this one you won't win"

I ended up in Malkia room it was covered head to toe in smoke and shadows I looked over to see Malkia floating in the air , "MAL" I yelled, I tried to go towards her but something grabbed my leg, "what the hell you're doing here" the king yelled cutting the shadow like tentacle, "I- I don't even know a random maid let me out and told me whats going on and pushed me into a portal" I answered, his eyes widened, "Abylay what you doing here" I asked, "Did the random maid have gold eyes" he asked, I nodded my head he stepped back, "what's going on Abylay" the king asked, "we gotta get her to calm down" Abylay replied, "MAL COME ON AND WAKE UP" I yelled, she was unresponsive, "damn it" the king said, she's mumbling something, I couldn't make it out but it sounded like a different language, we need to find a way to reach her, "MAL I DONT KNOW IF YOU CAN HEAR ME BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS" I yelled, "I never meant to lie or hurt you, I can't change my past but I know for a certain my future is with you, NOW SNAP OUT OF IT" I said, the shadows started to calm down, "she's falling" the king said, I didn't think and ran over to catch her, she woke up slowly and looked at me, "hey" I smiled.

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