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Astro pov

Walked into the king's room he was sitting in a chair, "you want to see me sir" I said bowing, "listen you've seen her powers and it's different from everyone else's in the realms hell even our family, so I know for a fact she didn't pass out from falling, she's been falling since a baby and always gets up so you're going to tell me what happened or you can disappear make your choice boy" he threatened, I been throw way worse as a kid if he thinks his threats scare me, "I told you what happened and something else did happen the princess said to keep it between us so I'll take it to my grave, also if I disappear she would one hundred percent to great lengths to get me back sir" I answered, he chuckled a bit, "fine fine but if she ends up seriously hurt her blood is on your hands Astro" he said walking off.

I walked back to her room to see her sitting in a chair looking out the window, "Mal" I said, she looked over at me with a weak smile it's my fault should have stopped her or had her rest, "hey what's wrong" she asked patting the seat next to me, I obliged and sat, "what did my father say do I have to hide his tea stash again" she joked, "you gotta stop over using your magic what happens if you pass out again and not wake up" I said, she looked at me with a confused look, "I have to practice to get better" she said, "that doesn't matter if you're harming yourself in the process" I argued, I knew this was going to go south she's a stubborn girl, "it's my body I know my weakness and when to stop" he replied, "say that to the two hours I was standing over you worried, you don't think about the consequences of your actions" I yelled a little too loud I think that scared her, "I- uh I'm sorry" I said, she grabbed her cane to stand up I was about to help her but she held up her hand.

"I would like to be alone please," she said pointing to the door, "I'm supposed to be at your side at all times" I argued, "Get a guard to watch my door them" she replied emotionless, I know there's no point to arguing with her I turned around and left.

Malkia pov

Ugh, I definitely over reacted, all he wanted to was watch out for me and I pretty much bit his head off, I accidentally summed Daybreak and they keep staring at me, "I know I know I'm going to apologize but how" I asked, they wagged their tail and bit my dress pulling me, "ok here I come here I come" I repeated, they sniffed around and was leading me to a tree, I looked up to see a black boot, "ARE YOU UP THERE" I yelled, the boot lifted up to hide, "I SEEN YOU MOVE" I added, he didn't speak, "oh that's how you wanna play, Daybreak thatch" I said pointing up, I heard something falling for a tree I looked down to see wood with writing, "Leave me alone" it said, "LIKE HELL I WILL" I yelled I heard a whoosh sound, "YOU THINK TURNING INRO A SNAKE GONNA DO SOMETHING" I yelled again, it took some time but she brought him down.

"Turn into a human" I order, he decided to stay a snake and crossed his body, "come onnn I'll get Malisa to transform you back" I threaten truthfully she can't because he's not a real snake but what he know, we ended up having a stare down he ended us hissing at me, "how dare you, why can't you just listen damn it" I argued, he hissed again and tried to slither away, "oh no you don't" I grabbed him by the tail and pulled him back, "I think you forgot one thing I met you as a snake at first" I chuckled he looked confused then his eyes opened i started tickling his scales, he started slithering violently, "uhu turn into a human a hear me out" I said, after a few more minutes he submitted and, now we're looking face to face.

"I would like to apologize you were just looking out for me and doing your job" I said, "apologize not forgiven" he answered, what, "You keep doing dangerous things and you may end up hurt or worse" he added, "your my one and only friend something happens to you I'll never forgive myself" he said again, "ok ok I'll cut back on the magic and train with father, will that make you happy" I asked, he look at me for a few seconds then spoke, "deal" he answered, "Also I have a present, close your eyes" I said, he did quickly, "TADA" I yelled holding out mochi, his eyes lit up quickly and it made me smiled a bit.

Kings pov
"Aw look at them" my
Wife said, we watched their hole fight personally I'm surprised she apologized she rarely does it, huh I guess he has a influence on her, "I cant wait to see what they look like when their older ooo maybe they will marry" she added, I glared at her for even humoring that idea, "don't be mad love" she said kissing my cheek, I look down to see them laughing together.

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