Chapter 9: Epilogue

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Hello. This is the first time I've written in this journal since...Costco. That was years ago. I've tried living out my life the best I could but everybody now just sees me as a freak. I've tried going to therapy, but every time I walk in the therapist screams and runs away..except for one. Her name was Dr. Janelle and she was probably the nicest person I ever spoke to, yet I was still an asshole to her at first, but she accepted me anyway. She always helped me and gave me some of the best advice I had ever heard. Well, not like I heard much advice beforehand anyway.

God rest her soul. She was ambushed by 1 rouge gang member that survived my massacre. Once he found out my location, he snuck into the therapist's office and saw her talking to me, and shot her 3 times in the head. I feel like that was a test from God on if I've changed as a person. Passing the test would be letting them go, failing would be killing them in cold blood.....I did not pass the test.

I burned his corpse and flushed his ashes down a toilet. I decided to tell Janelle's family about what happened, but all they did was scream bloody murder and told me to "Get the fuck out of our house" I left her body with them so they could give her a proper burial, sent my best regards and left.

I live in solitude now, constantly having to move from place to place because of people being terrified of me. I've tried to buy food from many different places so I can shove apples or literally anything they offer down my throat, but cashier's never accept my money and always call the police, so what else can I do but steal from them? I see no other option. I used to think this type of stuff was justified, but I think I'd be better off if I starved instead.

After all the therapy sessions from her, I started to feel bad for everything I had done to everyone in that place. The ranger may have been egotistical, yes, but he was an angel just trying to help out a seemingly innocent soul. I pray to God he's not in hell.

You know...I used to wonder why everything I love gets stripped away from me, but while I've been writing this I think I've finally found out why.

Because I deserve it.

The end.

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