Chapter 1: Prologue

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My name is Magus. I'm writing in this journal hoping that someone sees this someday, if so then hello there. I'm hoping to print many copies of this and sell it for big time profits, and of course for an awesome my expense. You see, I'm currently hiding from these stupid gang members. They shot my face so much you can't even tell who I am anymore based off of that, you can only tell based off of my hat...with eyes...that I see with. Crazy, huh? Well, I'm gonna be sharing my story from here on out, so let's first start with the prologue, what my life was like before this happened, and what led up to it. Let's get on with it, shall we?

I used to be a very popular magician in which I still am, just not to the same extent. I was minding my business performing for a somewhat small, yet energetic crowd. I was pulling off some crazy tricks like making guys appear and disappear like it was actually magic! Because it is. You see, I was born with a very powerful and amazing gift, the gift of magic. (like a wizard or whatever you know) My parents at first thought I might use this for evil and requested that they remove it, but the doctors just sat there flabbergasted because I made one of them grow a quite dapper mustache. My parents weren't surprised because my whole family line had magic! Yet, my parents were the only ones left with it, while the others died out due to the FBI looking for them so no evil could be done. Although they weren't surprised, they...oh yeah, they weren't happy either. To this day I still hate them for wanting to remove my magic so much, but at the same time I thank them for hating me having magic.

Why? Well, since they didn't want me to use it for evil so badly I showed them what was what, so I decided to use it for good fun entertainment, by becoming a magician, with actual magic! My parents were proud yet disappointed. They wanted me to solve crime and bring down criminals or whatever, but I loved the life of making people shocked and getting so much recognition for it. I love when the kiddins come up to me and say how awesome I am. A lot of the time they would even compliment my looks, believe it or not. Sadly, that can never happen again, for I have a massive gaping hole in my face. My motto everyday to keep on pushing is "It is what it is". I can't change what has already been decided by fate, so I must move on and keep on pushing, no matter what life throws at me.

Enough of feeling sad for myself, we now move on to my most recent act. I was entertaining the crowd, and after a while it was intervention time, so I went out the back to take a quick breather, since using magic got me tired a lot of the time. It takes quite a bit of energy to use magic, you'd be surprised. Anyhow, while I was outside these absolute assholes pulled up to me with guns pointed in my face, there were so, so many. The only thing they wanted from me was money, so I obliged of course cause I didn't want to get brutally murdered, but guess what? The second I gave them all I had, ALL OF THEM BEGAN FIRING AT ME AT ONCE! They had shotguns, assault rifles, and all of that crap. So many bullets went into my face, there was just a big gaping hole in the middle of my head. I fell down onto my knees, presumably dead to these guys, and they just walked off.

Little did they know in my dying breaths, I injected all of my life essence into my hat and put a pair of eyes on it. Doing this also made it so the hat was permanently connected to me for the rest of my life, but it was damn worth it. I managed to control my body through it and got up, but sadly I could hardly see a thing. I stumbled across the street to what seemed to be a Walmart in my eyes, but oh boy was I wrong. It was a big, abandoned Costco store that the gang used as their base of operations. I soon heard them talking about shooting my brains out and how hilarious it was, and I soon saw that I was in fact in an abandoned costco.

I set my sights on getting revenge and murdering all of them for what they have done to me, but I decided to actually think rationally, so the best course of action? Get the hell out of there! The second I tried to open the door, it seemed to lock on its own somehow, like something, or someone had been watching me and had a control on the doors. With only 1 option left, I had decided that it was best to temporarily live in this costco while avoiding them at all costs, trying to get the tools necessary to get out of there.

But you see, the thing is...I didn't want to avoid them at all costs. I wanted much blood. My magic was fully drained but my strength was not, and so very soon I would start a plan, a kill them all.

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