Requests (on hold)

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! Please please please read all of the rules before requesting !


1. They're kids so nothing majorly inappropriate (no smut)

2. I write fluff only (fluff, wholesomeness, angst, or just some really sad stuff to make you cry)

3. I can be mildly suggestive (again, no smut but I live for playful banter)

4. I write character x reader, character x character, and oc x character (but for oc you might have to give some detail. ex: name, age, relationships, family, etc.)

5. I will stick to characters personalities and backstories from the show unless stated otherwise (i haven't read all of the books yet but I plan to)

6. I do male x male, fem x fem, nb x (insert), i really don't care so long as you give me sufficient information and details to use as i write

To enter for a request you have to have a character name, a short scenario/prompt, and if you want it to be a character x reader or character x character. Or you can just give me two characters and I can write a scenario.

***for prompt inspo, go on pinterest or look into the deepest most desirable thoughts in the back of your brain (or don't) but a prompt is really helpful for my story ideas thx :)


Characters I will use (And Actors/Actresses)

Lucy Carlyle (Ruby Stokes)

Anthony Lockwood (Cameron Chapman) 

George Karim (Ali Hadji-Heshmati)

Flo Bones (Hayley Konadu)

Quill Kipps (Jack Bandeira)

Bobby Vernon (Paddy Holland)

Kat Goodwin (Rhianna Dorris)

Anyone else add here ------------>>>


AND PLEASE BE SPECIFIC! thx, ily. have a good day! <3

P.S. don't be a ghost reader(lmao i love the joke!!!)! please interact, even if you just add a random comment saying how quirky lockwood is or smth. 

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ALSO: please note that it may take time for your one shot to come out because I do have other requests. or your story may come out in parts because I wrote it a bit too long and got invested. anyway, please no hate and just enjoy. I want this fandom alive and well despite the show being cancelled.  (if you're reading this on the app, i really hope this format doesn't bother you too much.) 

(Update: as of october 2023 I have 20 requests still unwritten so I'm sorry if they come out very slowly. i have other stories i work on as well)

remember to tell your friends about this show and feel free to check out my other stories! I do a variety of genres and styles from different fandoms. 

remember, once again, to comment, vote and make friends!  :)

<3 the writer (kayden!)

Lockwood and Co. One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant