Chapter 44: Control

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Russell was dragged around by Blade all day. The other members of the squad pushed him around. However, when he brought up the issue with Blade, he described such a phenomenon as 'encouragement.' Russell had already been broken and reshaped by someone else's mold. Was that not encouraging enough? He would not leave one torture and enter another. So, he retaliated against his fellow patrol members. He made sure that they were aware that the sleeve on his arm was not just for show; he was the superior one, and when they knew that, many of them stepped off, but they only did because he was technically the Chief's brother, they still treated him like a prisoner. Russell was not allowed to leave the village, as Kallum did not trust him with that privilege.

His primary task was to perform rounds, and then he would go on to training to become Kallum's second in command. He passed by Tommy several times while he was in the stocks, being punished for his 'crimes,' Russell was under strict orders not to speak to him. Kallum made sure of it. He made it a very personal mission to check in on Russell several times, just as he'd promised he would, treating Russell as if he were some kind of unstable mental health patient or a toddler. Kallum kept careful tabs on Russell to ensure his compliance. Russell was under strict rules for many things, not being able to enjoy the basic amenities the other tribe members enjoyed. Kallum gave him an extreme schedule to follow, taking complete control over his life. At night, Russell would return to his room for rest, even if he didn't need it, and if he weren't resting, he'd be either patroling or studying the rule book. Russell was to be treated like a juvenile by the rest of the village; there would be an escort attached to him at all times; if not Blade, it would be Kallum, Oscar, or one of the other guards.

He would also participate in an evaluation at the end of each day to ensure he hadn't lost his mind and then a physical exam to ensure he wasn't doing something he wasn't supposed to. That was primarily their Doctor's idea. He convinced Kallum that it was in Russell's best interest, and that's the way it would be. Russell and the Doctor became rather aquatinted during those examinations. He would have no free time and would not be talking to Tommy again anytime soon.

Russell was participating in some community service today. He was to be helping in the efforts to build new houses. Actually... he was doing most of the building because his escort was just watching, and she was clearly bored. And when he'd asked about taking a break, she scoffed at him and told him that she wasn't allowed to give him a break. It went on like this for three hours straight. Someone came in to replace the first guard watching him. At least someone got a break between the two of them. She was supplemented by someone who appeared to be newer to the hunting force and thus was incredibly gullible and susceptible to all of the 'traitor' stories they'd made up about Russell when he defected. "You missed a spot." He said, pointing at a rough portion of adobe, and to that, Russell exhaled deeply. "Well? As the builder, I think it's fine," Russell stated, continuing with his paintwork. The guard approached his paint bucket and kicked it over, plain and simple. "Well, I say. Do it again." He said, placing his hands on his hips and smiling annoyingly.

Russell clenched his fists and was prepared to start a fight, but he simply didn't have the energy to deal with the punishment that would occur had he decided to start a brawl. Russell picked up his paint bucket. Although it was more than half empty now, with most of the paint not existing on the ground, he continued painting with what was left. "Hey! I said sand over that spot!" The guard said, grabbing Russell by the underarm and pulling him back toward the wall, which appeared to be 'rough.' "Now!" He shouted in Russell's ear; from then on, Russell could be as annoyed as he wished, but the bunny had no choice but to comply. He traded his paint roller for a sander and started to work at it. "That's more like it." The guard snicked to himself as he watched Russell labor away, then added, "But since you didn't listen the first time... I'll have to tell your brother about this. And you know what'll happen then?"

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