Chapter 22: Scavenger

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The repairs were extensive, and the crew had to scavenge parts from various systems aboard that would no longer be used, like the coffee maker and the dishwasher. Tommy once again acquired enough dignity to join their efforts in getting their new ride up and flying. Along the way... they still had no idea where they were going next, but they seemed to want to stick together. So they made up a little community; Tommy was the Captain, deciding the next course of action; Russell was in charge of tactical, and D1 was the pilot. They fell into these positions like puzzle pieces. 

The problem of ship repairs was solved in nearly a month. But there was a new issue: fuel; the ship wouldn't be going anywhere unless there was fuel to fly; this ship had a reserve and a primary; luckily, the reserve was untouched, and it was to remain untouched until an emergency. With the main tank at 16%, the three had to delegate how to put that fuel to use. "Perhaps it is time we begin looking for survivors. We must leave this city and head for the colony islands. I have been tracking the sensors for the past few rotations. There is an isolenic storm brewing in the upper atmosphere. Thank the charges." She suspected that the storm would make flight difficult, even for her. "If we can't possibly search every single corner of this planet because we don't have enough fuel." Russell debated; Tommy took the floor, "We have to find who did this. And bring them to justice." The circle continued by bouncing back to Russell, "And do what? Execute them? You aren't a cop anymore. It's not like there are any prisons to put them in." Russell shut Tommy down, and that made him shift to silent thought.

"Indeed," D1 agreed, "If we find other people, we find help, and with help, we can locate this group much more efficiently. We have the fuel for air, but our window is relatively narrow, and with the storm and the aftermath of the bombs, the solar cells are not receiving enough energy. Therefore, we are utilizing power we cannot spare; in a matter of days, our power cell will be depleted, and we will not be able to take off. We will be trapped." D1 stated. Tommy and Russell went to thinking... even they knew that their people could not survive in this environment. "We should move back toward the islands again; there will be a high chance of survivors there. We can program the sensors to search for life signs. They are fully operational now. We will find people." D1 added confidently. Russell started staring out the windows on the bridge in boredom, watching the clouds swell with thunder and lightning. "Alright... we only have enough fuel for one island... We should make it a good one; we can abandon the ship and search for help once we land." 

Russell turned back to Tommy. "It sounds like you're giving up on looking for the people that did this. What made you change your mind?" Tommy hesitated but nodded. "Well... like you said. We can't do anything once we find them. I need time to think and come up with a new plan. We should pick a place and settle in. We need help. Commence the preflight sequence and program the search pattern." Tommy ordered D1. 

"Very well." She rotated 360 degrees and moved to the engine room. Tommy followed her, and Russell planned to join them shortly, but first, he had to check in on their prisoner, whose care was now solely up to him—seeing as how he was the one who had decided to keep Jason in the first place. Russell treated the man respectfully despite his crew keeping him as a prize after some delusional hunt. This was Russell's first time meeting a human... but he quickly learned that his new pet had a weak blatter... he had to go just about every hour, and they weren't even giving him that much water. It didn't feel right... it made Russell nervous, so today, he came up with a new policy, an open-door one.

 "And... uh... what sick pleasure are you getting out of this?" Jason asked as he looked between Russell and the toilet. The Gel-Bunny was standing in the doorway, watching closely with his arms crossed, just staring and scowling in disapproval, "I'm not getting any 'pleasure;' I'm just making sure you aren't doing anything nefarious." Russell paused... he grinned and chuckled to himself. "Well... I suppose I am getting a little pleasure seeing you squirm." He said as he stared at Jason. He stood before the toilet, waiting for privacy, "I'm not; you can relax." He responded with a face that was deep red with embarrassment. "Ohhh no! Trust me. You're doing something. I might not be a solid, but I know for a fact that no normal person has to go to the bathroom that much."

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