Chapter 24: Island Again

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The last thing he remembered was the ship flying into oblivion... Russell was trying to reset the power systems... and D1 was flying. Tommy moaned in agony; he could manage to open one eye as Russell pushed a cold, wet towel against Tommy's forehead, the source of most of his pain. As Russell pulled it away, pink Omeoon blood, known as vitalum, was soaked into the towel. Tommy was lying down on the bridge as the sunlight flooded the cockpit. At least they'd made it. Russell caught a glimpse of Tommy opening an eye and smiled happily. Tommy's ears were ringing as Russell spoke. "Oh, thank the stars... you're alive."

Freedom crashed on a beach at the end of a small island, around half the size of the previous one. But in comparison, more caves, waterfalls, valleys, and other obstacles made this island simply dangerous. But the air was breathable, and the water was clear. They were free. The beach was where the Freedom would finally rest. Her front was half buried in the sand. She would not be flying anymore. D1 rolled up on Russell, listened to D1 and Russell carry on in muffled conversation, and watched them with one semi-closed eye as Russell cleaned his wound. "How is he?" D1 asked, "He's not talking yet. But he's awake... I think." D1 examined Tommy with her flashlight, making sure his pupils-- at least the one that was open, could dilate normally. And it did. "No concussion. If your people even get concussions. We should leave the ship and break camp." D1 added

Russell recognized this island... they were in trouble. "I could not access the aft deck. I'm quite sure that our prisoner has escaped." D1 stated factually, Russell shrugged, "Who cares. If he has any lick of sense... he'll stay close to us. If my people inhabit this island, they won't take too kindly to strangers... there are some animals in the woods that eat flesh, too. I'm thinking we set up a perimeter fence. If anything gets too close, it'll give them a little jolt." Russell recommended. D1 nodded.

"Remember I told you about how most of my people live on the islands without the Capital City to keep everyone in check... It's pretty much fair game for whoever's left; this ship is a pretty good target if one needs supplies. So we need to go. As soon as Tommy can walk."

"And... how long will that be?" D1 inquired, patting Tommy on his chest. "He's Omoecoon. And generation one... he'll recover quickly." Tommy's eye trembled closed as he drifted into an unconsciousness. 

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