Chapter 2: Goo-Squirrel

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The struggle to remove his clothing was almost embarrassing. He grunted and tumbled to the floor of the automated vehicle as he attempted to remove his shoes and socks first... luckily there was no one here to see this. He still had to get used to wearing clothes. It was the only thing he couldn't replicate when copying a solid form.

Tommy didn't expect too many issues stopping these guys, it was only some common thieves trying to have their way with an ATM; suffice it to say, this should be incredibly simple. After struggling with his shoelaces and the rest of his clothing, the rest seemed to flow normally, he did not have to focus on returning to the form he was born with. He just... let go. His orange and black gel washed over his body like a gooey waterfall, and he returned to his rubbery-looking state.

He looked at his hands, flexing them into fists with an excited smile; his tail also moved viciously. It was always nice to be in this form. Madeline notified him that they were quickly approaching the coordinates at which the trouble was detected. The vehicle landed just a few feet from the crime scene as a safety measure. But he was still close enough to where he could see the pair of men going at the machine integrated into the wall with a crowbar. It was easy to hide among the shadows, an advantage Tommy put to good use. He chose to stay in a solid form as he moved around these individuals.

The A.I, in his ear, chose to remain silent, as it was clear he was focused and should not be interrupted. Tommy frowned as he watched them, crouching down on his knees. "Okay... it's all good. Just have to fight two guys before the sun rises." Tommy commented to himself as the plan formulated in his mind. He was about to fight his first battle ever. Sure, he had practiced in the simulator while still in training, but it was a different story when these guys didn't have safety protocols to stop the participant from being injured.

He figured the best way to address them was to do it head-on, and that's what he did; since their backs were turned, Tommy was able to surprise them as he stepped out of the shadows, with his hands on his hips in classic Superhero fashion. He cleared his throat to get their attention, "If you need help with your PIN, fellas. I think you should just be able to call the bank. Eh, wait. No, that's dumb... they might be closed. Well, just stop what you're doing, and no one gets hurt, okay?"

The men turned to face him, and he could finally see their faces. They looked young- and related. Brothers perhaps? Cousins? It didn't matter; he was letting his curiosity get the better of him. They were still trying to rob some random ATM. This... was a little counterproductive because all money was digital.

Nevertheless, the citizens maintained the old-school ATMs for sentimental reasons, representing their origins. The Earth was pretty odd that way. Most of it, Tommy did not understand. Because these were antiques, their actions hardly made these guys felons because they weren't taking any cash; they would've been lucky if the machine had a few pennies. However, they were still vandalizing property, which was still (although incredibly insignificant) a crime.

"So, who are you supposed to be? Some kind of cop?" The fox inquired, making square eye contact with Tommy while the other continued working. They were not identical in appearance, but Tommy could see the similarities; they shared the same species. The older one eyed Tommy up and down with discomfort and disgust. "It's one of those aliens. You know, the ones from space coming to 'protect' us. So who are you, orange guy? Y'know... that's funny." He said, repeating his joke in his mind and cackling to himself. His attempt at humor did not amuse Tommy and the brother-cousin(or whatever his familial relation was).

"It's Goo-Squirrel," Tommy said with a flick of his tail. "Look, let's just not fight, alright? I'm kind of on a time limit. So, as much as I love idle conversations, I could leave you for the cops, or you can just leave with the promise of never attacking history exhibits again." The ring leader, the one holding the crowbar, thought momentarily and then shook his head, "Nah, I'd rather just hit you!" He said with a sinister and broad smile as he moved to attack the hero viscously. He swung to strike, and his blow landed right into Tom's chest. But thanks to his unorthodox power, the crowbar's impact was drastically reduced and even stopped, bouncing off him and out of the crook's hand.

"Wow." Tommy started sarcastically as he watched the man comprehend what just occurred. "Did you want me to be terrified?" Tommy said condescendingly. The crook, frustrated, took a different approach and moved to strike with his fists head-on in the same spot. This time, the impact took on a somewhat different effect; his entire fist up to his elbow was absorbed into Tommy's chest, and immediately, the crook tried to escape desperately. Before looking at the brother again with annoyance. "Feel free to jump in at any time, Earnie!"

The smaller one knew better, and after looking at how determined Tommy was, in addition to his strange power, he surrendered and threw his hands up in the air. "I surrender!" He shouted. Easy win! But just before, things could get better-his A.I pal had chimed in. "Excuse me? I'm getting reports of an interstellar disaster. I think it's on your home planet. And it's not good."

Dynamic Patrol: Gel-Squad (Remastering!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora