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Earth was quickly becoming uninhabitable after centuries of being decimated by war, environmental disasters, and so on. Clearly, it wouldn't be safe for future generations much longer. So the goal was to find something-- anything that would save their dying rock. Fortunately, because of the advances in faster-than-light travel, the residents were able to build a small but determined fleet of research vessels, which they sent out to hundreds of planets across the galaxy with the simple mission of finding a new home. The goal might've sounded straightforward, but nearly a decade was wasted with nothing turning up, and the Earth wasn't getting any cleaner.

But an unexpected outcome became more obvious as the Earth made contact with the rest of the universe in it's search for a solution. They were not alone. Earthens were thrilled to witness such powerful beings with extraordinary abilities like flight, indestructibility, and superior intelligence. They made peace, and luckily, these beings possessed the technology to rejuvenate the dying planet. The deed was settled, and the Earth was saved.

But just before efforts to rebuild the planet could begin, the Earth suffered nearly relentless attacks from hostile factions, attempting to help themselves to what was left of the planet's resources, with the main offenders being the Gax'rian. Many worlds separated themselves from Earth immediately, viewing the planet as too significant a risk and non-essential. Still, they offered the Earth's inhabitants refuge on a new planet because they would not risk the lives of their own people to save a world that was already on its way to death.

But the Earthen people's hopes were returned when those aliens started the pledge to rejuvenate their atmosphere. So whether their new friends helped them, they remained and stood there. But they were not alone. Several brave individuals selflessly placed themselves in the line of fire between Earth and the Gax'rian. With the help of the Earthen natives and four beings from four superpowered planets, they helped fend off the Gax'rian. Once that was completed, they returned as promised and rejuvenated the surface of the Earth, giving hope back to the Earthen inhabitants. However, they could only afford to centralize and split the resources, making their stand in four large, sprawling cities with robust defenses.

The Dynamic Patrol was officially born. The Earthlings were there to back their new protectors up; they gave them shiny outfits and cool names(provided they didn't already have their own) and placed the world's weight on their shoulders. This team became the earliest version of the Dynamic Patrol. As reimbursement for their continued protection efforts, each team naturally had its bases, equipment, and fanbase. And when they decide to retire, they would be forever welcome to stay in that city and have a building constructed in their honor.

They would also receive a generous 'allowance' for whatever they wanted to use it for. Thanks to them, such a reward was easier to give now that Earth was a much more stable environment. The first team inspired confidence in the native inhabitants of the Earth and the rest of the galaxy. And from time to time, the team would gather to defend other planets that lacked their own defenses-putting even more responsibility on these individuals.

While the home of the DP would always be Earth because that is where the idea flourished, they would be tasked with the protection of hundreds of worlds daily. With superpowers, one might think defending 100 worlds was easy. It began that way, but eventually, the stress became too great even for them, as they couldn't be in hundreds of places at once. So, the charter for the Patrol was revised again, and the decision was made to expand that one team into numerous other teams. Each had four members and an assigned world they were tasked with protecting. As membership evolved, so did the various regulations that governed the diverse DP teams across the galaxy, and eventually, it evolved into a council and several other divisions, including one dedicated to seeking out new life, not as a hero but as an explorer, think Star Trek.

The various planets would often butt heads. But one thing they all had in common was their love for the Dynamic Patrol. The members of the galaxy could sleep easier knowing selfless individuals were watching over them.

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