Saving Emily

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I finally open the message that I've been waiting all this while for

"Hello, Veronica. Outside the institute, you'll find my men. I'll be waiting for your arrival, time to finish what we started"

I nudge Raphael's shoulder as I showed him as he looked at me and then at Alec

"We need to go, It's finally time to get her back," I said as he gave my hand a light squeeze

"I'm ready when you are. But Alec, you know what's happening right?" He asked worriedly

"The ship has already sailed Raphael there's no time to chase now," I sigh as he nods

We get out of the stands as Clary and Simon notice us "Where are you going? The wedding's about to start" she asks

"I'll be back in a moment, just want to discuss something in private," I say as she nods

Jace, Isabelle, and Alec watched as we started leaving the hall hand in hand. I turned around to bid goodbye to Alec only to find him staring at me. As if asking me to stay with him

I pass him a smile knowing nothing will remain the same tomorrow as Raphael calls me pulling me back to reality. Emily

Watching over Alec for the last time I walk out rushing to the balcony as we come across the men

Raphael catches the rock thrown by them reading the message attached to it

"Follow them and come alone," it says as we both nod

Before leaving I leave a voice note for Magnus

"Hey, Magnus it's me. I know you didn't have any plans of attending the wedding tonight but I need someone in my absence. Raphael and I are going to rescue Emily, no one has a clue about this, and I hope you keep it that way.

I'll move back to my house once we rescue her. Thank everyone from my side. Veronica,"

"Boss needed you, not him. He's not allowed," the guy says as Raphael shields me

"We're both going together, You can't take her alone," he hissed showing his fangs

"Your boss didn't want shadow-hunters. He said nothing about not bringing a vampire along!" I question

They took us to this abandoned building somewhere near the pandemonium. This building seemed much like a hotel before it was abandoned.

Coming to a halt at the end of the hallway, the men stepped away making room for us to walk ahead.

Walking inside we soon came face to face with the guy who I fought in a dimly lit room that looked like a pent-house or more like a store-room now

He stepped forward with a man in his early 30s by his side "Ms. Veronica, Nice dress. Attending a function? Sorry your celebrations didn't last long" he laughed as if he cracked a joke

"Spare me and tell me where's my sister? and who the hell are you?" I snapped

"Your sister, she's in good hands but in good shape... I doubt that. Allow me to introduce myself I'm Malik," he smiled introducing himself

𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 ~ 𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑪  𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫  Where stories live. Discover now