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Characters w/ superpowers
Jason - Teleportation
Aiden - Create Fire
Saphira - Extreme flexibility
Lerin - Inviability
Joey - Externa
Sarah - Heal any wound
Nick - Radar Sense
Malia - telekinesis
Cadence - Water Manipulation

They all enter into Jason and Kurtis's room. Their is silence from the event. " I can't believe that he shot them. " Says Lerin. " I thought that he was going to let us all see each other afterwards. I really just want to see Lex " says Aiden. " He shot them in cold blood. " Says Jason. " I can't believe this, he never said anything about a punishment. " Says Saphira. " I just don't know what to think anymore, " says Nick. " Well one thing for sure, is that we can't lose, or the next punishment could be a lot worse. " Says Jason, " He paired everyone who is closest apart from each other." Says Malia, he made me kill Presleigh over and over and over." She collapses in tears and Sarah comes down to comfort her. " You didn't kill her Malia, he did" says Sarah. " You don't understand" said Malia sobbing. " How could he do this to me." " I don't know" says Aiden.   "  I am going to go bed" says Cadence, she leaves the room.

" How are we going to apologize to n them for what we did? " Says Joey, " I knew I could come back after Bernard and Carolina killed me, but I don't understand why we can't talk to them. " " I wish I knew why he had to kill them in cold blood," says Lerin. I was so close to being able to talk to Bernard again, but he died before he could say a word." Lerin begins to stumble, " I am going to my room" she said.  Lerin walks out the door way, stumbling more and more as she exits the room until she collapses and sobbes.

" I am going to leave," says Aiden. " I need to get some sleep." He exits the room.

Jason's face turns a deep red, his eyes becoming puffy and nose is running, " Please don't cry Jason," says Saphira. " Why do we get to rest and they don't, " screams Jason. " They are keeping us apart and preventing us from talking to each other, WHY!!! " Screams Jason. Jason breaks down on Kurtis's bed, sobbing just as hard as Malia. " We need to rest." Says Saphira. " Don't you get it, " says Jason, " this isn't only their punishment, it's ours also. They know that we take comfort from these on the other team, so they separate us and leave us alone, we won't get any rest tonight. None of us will." Says Jason sobbing. " Saphira looks at Sarah, " I can't help this type of wound" she says. "I didn't think you could" Saphira says.    " We better get some rest before we meet  those of us who didn't make it. " Says Saphira. Saphira and Sarah leave, leaving Malia and Jason to cry in the room.

The Next Morning

" I can't wait to see Kurtis, I was crying for so long that I think i became dehydrated." says  Jason. " If I don't see you girl friend In 10 seconds, I am going to have a heart attack!" Shouts Aiden. " Why do you have to take him away?" Crys Lerin. " I am now going to let you revive your friends, however, I am going to put a twist on it. " Says the announcer. " You can have all of your friends back and countine enter the first arena. Or vote to kill 3 of them off permanently by destroying their amulets and pass the first room off completely and get back the rest of your firends. " Says the Announcer. He puts the chest down on the floor in front of them. " If you want to kill 3 of your friends, raise your hand now."  No one moves."  In that case" he says " here are your friends. I hope you don't regret this decision, you have 1 hour before the game begins. " He disappears. And a second goes by, then another and another. " WHERE ARE THEY!?!" Screams Jason, his eyes are starting to turn to a light red. Another minute and finally the first one Teleportors back in, it's Spencer. Joey runs up to him, " You okay?? " He asks. Spencer responses by punching him in the nose. " That's what you get for slamming my head into the ground." " All forgiven??" Joey asks. " Yes, now it is" says Spencer, they embrace. " The announcer returns back.            " Thank you for your patience, " he says, " it takes a minute to revive someone, here are the rest of your friends" as he says this, the rest of them appear in front of the announcer, they all are unconscious on the floor. The announcer disappears.

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