As she walked along the same road, the cold wind blew her filthy hair which was matted with dirt in her face, making her taste it a few times. With an expression of disgust she made loud spitting sounds as she moved it away from her lips.

After she walked for so long but could only still see the road ahead and the dense forests, she thought of giving up but when she looked back, she had already come so far that she couldn't go back so she carried on.

Finally, from a distance, she could make out what seemed to be a building and her eyes lit up as she pointed at it in excitement. Only thinking about her shelter for the night, she rushed to it, the painful cracks on her heels and grazed knee not slowing her down.


The abandoned building had walls covered in spiderwebs, broken windows and floors in each room that were filled with skulls and crawling insects.

Inside the same abandoned building, Crimson, an unmatched vampire in strength, stalked through it like a predator on the hunt. With heightened senses, every sound and movement caught his attention.

Even when he meant not to feed, he always had the instinct to attack or instill fear in whoever he decided was his prey.

As he scanned another room, he suddenly jerked his head in a specific direction right after a repulsive and nauseating stench of a human wafted towards him. Despite the repulsiveness in the scent, there was also the presence of a sweet scent of blood from the same direction and he instantly licked his lips.

Curious to find out more, he followed the two conflicting scents, repulsed, yet intrigued.

Being the sneaky predator he was, he kept himself hidden when he found Kaelyn. The two scents had gotten stronger since he had gotten closer and he was now even more repulsed by the sight of her. He could tell she was homeless from her torn clothes and her hair matted with dirt.

Only drawn to her by the scent of her blood but repulsed by her other scent, he questioned himself on how someone beneath him and unworthy, had his attention.

He was only disgusted further when he saw her excitedly crawl towards the other side of the room and picked up some bread which had some mold on it and he wondered just how desperate she was to eat.

He then saw her stand up and launch the bread across the room with a grunt as she went on a rant about how difficult it was to find food, then added that she didn't mind her horrible smell but not starving for days, something he scoffed at silently.

Then, to his delight, she lowered her head as she burst into tears. It was only satisfying to him to see a potential prey that was vulnerable.

Curious as to why the sweet scent of blood wafted its way from her, he needed to be certain and for that, he thought he would get closer despite how disgusted he was.

As Kaelyn thought about how hasth life had been, she suddenly gasped with wide eyes when she felt a swift movement from behind her. When she looked back, she felt something dash past her from the front. By the time she looked in front of her, despite how quick she was, she saw nothing.

"W-who's there?" She placed a hand on her chest and could feel her fast heartbeat.

She was bold enough to take shelter in an eerie building and made herself believe she would deal with whatever would come her way, but nothing had prepared her for the unknown presence.

Once again, she felt the presence from behind so she turned around but saw nothing. Then, with her eyes still looking around in that direction, she saw a figure move so fast that she couldn't tell what it was. The hairs on her body stood firm as she feared for her life and her knees became so weak that she dropped to the floor with her hands wrapped around her.

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