The Preparation

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Characters Still Alive

"Everyone has gone through the portal, except for Taylor, you said that you would be the last one thought" said Aiden, " Where's Taylor??" " She made her choice, now you all must live with it," he says. " YOU KILLED HER!" Shouts Aiden, "No, she didn't listen to me, and the same can happen to you if you don't follow my instructions." Aiden shuts up, however he still looks aggravated. " Now you will all have to choose any amulet, only one" said the announcer. " Does it matter which we choose?" Asked Nikk, " Yes, but you don't know what you can get, or what you could have." He says, everyone picks up one amulet and the announcer begins to speak. " Know you will get to know what the amulet does, and what you will be doing to return home. " Your amulet gives you a power that you can only dream of." Malia asks, " how do we tell what your power is?" " You will be total at the end of this, before you enter, and will have 1 day to practice your power before you enter the arena. Now you are going to be put through 3 deadly arenas that you will be forced to survive in, the first is a game, the second is in a maze, and the third is not going to be disclosed until you arrive at the third arena, if you survive that far. Now you will be total what's your power, here is a list, " he pulls up a screen with a bunch of writing,

Nova - Super Speed
Jason - Teleportation
Aiden - Create Fire
Carolina - Create Ice
Saphira - Extreme flexibility
Bernard - Reverse Gravity
Lerin - Inviability
Lex - Change Size
Joey - Externa
Kurtis - Force Fields
Sarah - Heal any wound
Nikk - Super Strength
Nick - Radar Sense
Presleigh - Self Duplication
Malia - telekinesis
Cadence - Water Manipulation
Spencer - Flight

" This is the first power your necklace gives you, the second is, if you manage to retrieve any amulets from someone who has died, at the end of an arena, you can recreate all of them, they will look exactly like you and will remember anything, however if your necklace gets destroyed, you will lose your power and you can't get revived. " says the announcer.     " Now get back on the pad one at a time, and we will teleport you to your new rooms for the next day, until the time for the first arena opens."

" Spencer, Spencer!!! " Shouts Cadence.              " What? " " YOU CAN FLY!?!" " Turns out so, and I am afraid of heights though, best use of flight, give it to someone who is afraid of heights" said Spencer. " You will get use to it" says Cadence. " Thanks" Spencer says back.

Jason walks thought the Teleportor and enters a small bed room with a door. Kurtis shortly follows behind him. " How do you feel about this?" Kurtis asks Jason, " Well, if they feel comfortable to give us powers to this extent, how hard to you believe the game is going to be? They gave us powers that we only could think of." Says Jason. " It wouldn't matter, we can save each other and will be able to get thought all of the arenas together, like we always do," he kisses Jason on the cheek. " We better get ready to go and learn how to use our powers. " Says Jason. They both exit through the door.

Nova and Nikk both walk into Sarah and Saphira down the hall. " Do you know how we are supposed to use our powers??" Asks Saphira. " I believe that they may show us, or they will leave that up to us. " Said Nova. " Well we better go and see if we can go and find somewhere to practice" says Nikk. " Let's go" says Nova. All four of them walk in the same direction down the hall.

Bernard exits the portal into a room similar to Jason's and Lerin shortly comes in behind him. " I can't believe that we are out of all those houses, the ones who got selected. Our good luck I suppose." Says Bernard. " Stop being so negative, I know that we all wanted to spend our night in the house, and not worry about this for another 5 years. But someone has to do it." Said Lerin. " Well we better better at least try to figure out how to use these powers that they gave us." Says Bernard, " Bernard you know that more than likely we will all die." " Yes... And whatever we try to do, someone will die, Taylor is already dead." Says Bernard. " I just don't want to lose you," he says. They embrace, and stand there in silence.

Aiden and Lex both choose to go on a walk together down the long hall. " You gonna talk to me?" Asked Lex. " I just can't believe that she is dead, I did nothing about it. How could I let this happen. " Says Aiden. " You couldn't have done anything, and if you did, you would be dead." She pulls him in close and kisses him. " I couldn't bare it if you died. You know that we have to make it thought this together."
They both continue down the hall and enter their room.

Carolina walks down the hall towards the restroom and runs into Presleigh and Malia. " I am so excited to try and learn how to move things with mind!" Shouts Malia excitedly. " Carolina, can you make snow cones? it's so hot in the bathroom." Asks Presleigh. " I don't know how to make ice, so how can I make a snow cone?" Says Carolina. " Say snow cone and see if one appears." Says Malia " Snow cone " says Carolina, " say it again" " Snow Cone" says Carolina more enthusiasticly. " Please try Again, come on." Begs Presleigh.        " SNOW CONE! " Carolina shouts. " Did it work?? " Says Malia. Joey walks out of the men's bathroom, " everyone, there is a bunch of ice in the men's bathroom, it's like an ingloo in there." He says. " You know what, I don't want the snow cone anymore." Says Presleigh. Presleigh and Malia both leave. Joey walks towards his room. " How did I do that." Wonders Carolina.

Nick is sitting on his bed in his bed room. Cadence is across the room talking to him.
" I can't wait to learn how to use my new power." Says Cadence. " At least you have a cool power, I can only have a radar system in my head. " Whinnied Nick. " Hey, out of all of us, you are the least likely to get lost in a Maze. You won't be snuck up on at all. You could be very helpful to all of us. " Says Cadence. " Thanks, I needed that. " Says Nick.
" I am going to see if I can find something to eat around here." Says Cadence and leaves Nick's room.

" All patients of the Game of Selection.  Welcome and we hope that you find your new rooms comfortable. Please all come to the entrance of Jason and Kustis's room to meet your instructor. He will show each of you how to use your power. You have 5 minutes." Says the announcer over the intercom. "

Everyone leaves what they were doing and comes down to Jason and Kustis's room.            " Are you here to teach us how to use our powers?" Asks Malia, " Can I make Snow cones?" Asks Carolina. " How can I make a force feild? " Asks Kurtis. " Do I catch on fire when I us my power?" Asks Aiden. " One second." Says the instructor. " You will be shown how to use your powers in a second, the first thing that you will need to know is that you leave for the game soon, so I am going to teach each one if you one at a time. Starting at the smallest citizen number and going to the largest. Now who has the smallest citizen number? " Asks the instructor. Spencer raises his hand. " Ok follow me, and we will work on your power, come now." Says the Instructor, " What do the rest of us do? " Asks
Nikk. " Wait and do something around here until it is your turn" says the instructor. The instructor and Spencer both walk down the hall and enter a doorway at the end of the hall.

1.5 days later

" ok," says the instructor, " you will now all be allowed to go and enter the training room and practice there, you leave for the 1st arena tomorrow. However before we start, we are going to have a fun game, we are going to play a game of capture the flag, you be split into 2 teams, the only rule is that no one can be killed if someone is critically injured, then leave them and we will come and take them off, because there is an odd number of you, Sarah will be take off to practice her healing will all of you. Now here are your teams, "  A big flat screen appears behind him displaying the teams.
Red: Nova, Carolina, Lex, Bernard, Kurtis, Nikk, Presleigh, Spencer
Blue: Jason, Aiden, Saphira, Joey, Lerin, Malia, Nick, Cadence

" Now please go and enter your room, and use the Teleportor pad in your rooms that have now appeared." Says the instructor. Each person enters their room and at the foot of the bed is a portors pad, each ones steps on and they enter the training room.

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