XV: one step apart

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Jungkook carried on singing random soft songs till Yiseul was enjoying her room time in dreamland. Jungkook's eyes were focused on Yiseul's closed ones. He didn't want to let himself drift to sleep instead he wanted to take in as much as he could.

The sun soon was taking over the moon and started to shine for the start of a memorable day.  Jungkook opened his eyes feeling irritated with the rays that were hitting his eyelids. He blinked several times trying to be fully awake then he felt his left arm numb, he was on the verge of panicking before he realized the weight on his arm that made it numb.

Yiseul was using Jungkook's arm as her new personal soft pillow. She was still deep in her sleep with her back facing Jungkook and her hands coiled around his arm. Jungkook wanted to go back to his room so he could get ready and make some checkups and be sure he would be okay when they got out later.

Slowly Jungkook tried to free his hand from Yiseul's grip, but his move ended up backfiring at him, and she tightened her grip even more. Jungkook chuckled silently. He got to see a new side of her.  Clingy and cute, not the usual heartless one,  even if it was pretension.  Yiseul shifted and her body curled up letting her knees brush over Jungkook's thighs. He was fighting the urge to flee to his room. He didn't know whether to embrace her or run away. It sucked either way.

He never wanted to run away. He ran enough, he was sick of it. It was time...time to face it and but an ending point in the infinite race.

Jungkook shifted his body and his arms curled around Yiseul's waist, pulling her closer to his body, letting her head rest on his chest that was irrationally moving up and down. Jungkook rested his chin on Yiseul's head, breathing in her hair scent. And before he would know he was back to dreamland.

Two hours later Jungkook frowned at the noises he was hearing in his sleep. He opened his eyes to find Yiseul on the small chair and Taehyung in front of her changing the bandages. That's when reality hit him. He jumped from bed and stared with wide-opened eyes at both Taehyung and Yiseul who shifted both their gazes towards Jungkook.

Jungkook tried to speak to Yiseul through eyes, hoping to know what excuse she used. Then his gaze fell on Taehyung who looked at him with a brow raised. Jungkook cleared his throat to excuse himself.

"Good morning Jungkook," Taehyung said and it was obvious the urge to murder was in his voice.
"Uh...morning," Jungkook said tugging his legs in his slippers with his wobbly legs. He ends up wearing his left in the right pair. "Yiseul told me you almost fainted when you were chatting together in the corridor-" Taehyung spoke while working on Yiseul's face. "Yes! Exactly I will go to my room now I think I need to get checked up again." Jungkook rushed out of the room before Taehyung could utter any other word.

Taehyung didn't push Yiseul to say any other word as it was crystal clear to him.
He finished his work with her face then he put the types of equipment down beside him. His hand went to her hair, caressing it a bit. "Don't mess around. hmm?" Yiseul rolled her eyes at Taehyung. "Keep your big brother attitude to yourself." She stood up and walked to her little closet. "I just want to make sure that you use protection." Yisuel loathed at his comment and through the cotton bag at him making him giggle at her reaction. "God! Watch what you say. It was an innocent sleepover so get your ass out of it."

Yiseul walked to her small cupboard " I want to show you something." She said with her hands searching for something not yet clear to Taehyung.
She grabbed something then she put it on her face before turning around to look at Taehyung who held a sad eye. "I designed it myself." She pointed at the black patterned face mask that covered only the lower half of her face. It had some drawings and small detailed lines that the bare eyes could hardly see.

Taehyung looked at her with pity, dreaming if he could have the power to heal her and ease her pain. "Didn't know you are a professional designer." Yiseul's lips tugged up under the mask. "But you know what you miss?" Taehyung walked to her and pulled her towards the wall mirror in her bathroom. Yiseul hummed questionably, sharing a short eye contact through their reflection in the mirror.

"A cool sunglasses." A pair of sunglasses was mysteriously pulled out of his pocket. Yiseul frowned and turned around to face him. "Do you walk around the hospital with this?" Taehyung availed with her position and slid the glasses to let it land on her nose. "Meh, but it's my lucky charm." Yiseul hummed and turned around to look at her reflection. The degree of black of the glasses matched the mask so well. It didn't make her look cool, but made her look a bit more fancy than needed.

The point wasn't to look good but to hide her bandages. The way her scars were buried under the bandages, the blackness of the mask, and the glasses made her feel normal as if her pain never existed. Didn't matter if it was temporary, at least she got to enjoy some minutes and got to say hi to her old self.
An uncontrollable tear flew down shielding itself with the glasses so no one sees, not even Yiseul. Taehyung excused himself to continue his work and give Yiseul enough space to get ready.

About thirty minutes had passed and Yiseul was all ready and steady with her cozy outfit that was mostly black and red, on her bed waiting for Jungkook to tell her that they were good to go. She scrolled through her phone to accidentally tripe on her friends' pictures. The smile on their faces was like sharp blades for her. She envied every smile, she envied how life was and how their lives were. A knock on the door cut Yiseul's thought. She locked her phone and threw it next to her and with a shaky voice, she said. "Come in."

Jungkook showed up with a similar cozy look, his hair was tugged up, letting his forehead be on display. And surprisingly, a similar face mask. Yiseul's eyes widened when they fell on the mask just like the one she designed. They weren't a look-alike they were exactly the same.
"How did you-" she stood up doubting only one person in this crime. "Taehyung asked your mom to make a matching one for me," Jungkook answered making Yiseul feel embarrassed. Minutes ago she thought she surprised Taehyung but he knew it all and so did Jungkook.

"So..." Jungkook fiddled with the hairband around his wrist, waiting to see some reaction on Yiseul's face. "Ready to go?" He raised both his eyebrows with a little smile that showed on his now narrowed eyes and the small wrinkles that speak for his smile. Yiseul nodded excitedly. Jungkook signed with his hand for Yiseul to follow him out.  Before she did, she pecked her head near the mirror to have one last look at her look to make sure everything was under the name of perfection.

Both of them walked into the elevator, and down to the entrance hall of the hospital. The hall was filled with loud yells and people throwing commands. Jungkook and Yiseul were distracted by the sunlight and the view of the road in front of them. One step is all it takes. Jungkook held the door open for Yiseul.

"Jungkook?" Yiseul called his name for the third time,  while he was blanking in his dimension. He thought it would be in the same shoes. The screams and tears, while he's sending his last goodbye to his body and letting go of his soul.

 The screams and tears, while he's sending his last goodbye to his body and letting go of his soul

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