IX: Chased

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Yiseul was on her knees, hands locked together and tears flowing over her cheeks.

"Forgive me, Appa. I know I am the reason why," Yiseul said with a weak and broken voice.

She looked at her father standing in front of her with his back facing her.

"Dad! At least let me see your face, say anything." She said while sniffing.

The fog started to form in front of her eyes, making it a bit hard to see.

She rubbed her eyes several times, hoping to clear this blur.

After she could see clearly again her father was nowhere to be seen.

"Forgive me, Please. I know you are still there, right?" She looked around to check the surroundings and found that he was standing behind her, still not showing anything but his back.

"You promised to do anything to make me happy, remember? keep your promise and come back. This is what will make me happy, and only this. Appa, please." She held onto his legs.

The figure of her father started walking away, but that didn't make her let go of his leg, even though she was getting dragged which probably left a lot of bruises from the rough ground.

Yiseul saw a black hole in the ground. She was too worried that her father might fall into it.

Yiseul held onto the ground to stop her father from moving further, which only made her grip loosen.

The man didn't fall into the hole but surprisingly walked on it as if floating. Yiseul got up to chase him, but she fell into that hole.

"APPAAA!" She screamed her lungs out.

She fell to the ground, not feeling any pain, but her eyes were shut from the burly white light in the room she ended up in.

She opened her eyes and found that the room was all mirror-walled.

She stood up and looked at herself in one of the mirrors. Her white dress she was wearing was now all stained red from the blood that came out of her bruises.

She walked closer to the mirror and found that half of her face cracked as if she had become a broken mold.

She started tearing up and walked closer and closer to the mirror until she got into it. She couldn't figure out where is she since it turned all dark again.

She started running in a random direction, till she found a cloud of smoke coming out of a car.
She ran with a supper sonic speed towards that car.

She found her father in the passenger seat, Hardly, taking his last breaths.

"Appaa!" She cried out.

"Can you hear me? Speak to me, please."

The man opened his eyes slowly, looking at Yiseul.

She smiled weakly once he did, but her smile faded away with his first words.

"You killed me." He said. Blood started to come out of his mouth which made Yiseul fall to the ground from the scene in front of her.

She closed her eyes and covered her ears with her hands.

When she opened her eyes she found herself in that mirror-walled room again, but this time she wasn't alone.

Her father was behind her, His image everywhere in the mirrors. He kept repeating the only words he said.

"You killed me. You are a murderer You killed me. You killed your own father."

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