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"Did You tell her?" The woman asked in a worried tone.

"Not yet, maybe not now, It may affect her badly."

The woman nodded, then looked over the sleeping girl.

She looked at the nurse and then put her index on her lips.

The man nodded.

"Thanks, Taehyung-ah, I will give her her medicine once she wakes up, instead of you." The woman said.

"No need ma'am, also you can call me whenever she wakes up and I will come," He said giving her a sweet smile.

The woman signed for Taehyung that it's better to talk outside.

Both of them walked out of the room.

She closed the door carefully behind her, to not wake Yiseul up.

"Thank you so much Taehyung-ah, I know you're giving her too much care, out of your work." She patted his shoulder.

"No need to worry, this is what nurses do anyway so please don't thank me. It's nothing too much." He said patting her hand that was on his shoulder.

"Whenever you feel it's the time, go ahead and tell her." She said weakly.

He nodded.

"What about you? Are you fine? Do you need anything?" He asked warmly.

At the end Taehyung isn't just a nurse for Yiseul, another connection explains this warmth and the extra care, but little does she knows...

"Taehyung-ah, go check room number 23," one of the doctors said to Taehyung.

"I need to leave," he said to the mother.

"go, I am so proud of you." she gave him a weak smile, but even though it was weak, it has a strong feeling.

Taehyung smiled at her back, biding her goodbye and then leaving  Yiseul's mother behind.

The mother entered the room again. It was her day off, so she had had more time to spend with Yiseul.

The mother sat on that usual chair beside the hospital bed, grabbing a book from the nightstand.

'the mission ghost'

(a/n; the book does not exist in real life)

It was an old book that Mr. Choi, Yiseul's father, gave her long ago.

it talks about a myth, the afterlife, and if the person can become a guardian to their beloveds, and help them live a better life, only if there was true love between that spirit before death and someone who is still alive.

everybody knows this stuff but not everyone believes in it.

Mr. Choi was a believer in those things and used to talk too much about it with Yiseul when she was young, making her believe in it.

The weak old woman opened the book and started reading.

She sighed when she read the introduction.

she never believed in those things, and she wished that Yiseul would never believe in them too.

'I've never believed in that stuff and now tell me, where are you if it's true? or was it fake love?'  the woman was crying inside, having mixed feelings, anger, love, nostalgia, and blame.

"Bullshit!" She poured her anger out loudly, waking her daughter up by mistake.

She put the book in its place quickly.

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