"You could have saved him." Nic glowered, backing me. "But you waited till the last minute."

"It's not like that, I tried to-"

"Leave. Me. Alone."

"Nic," My hand reached out to his shoulder.

"Leave!" His roar was accompanied by the tensing of his shoulders.

"Jason," Blitz said urgently. "Do you want to save the city or not?"

Clenching my fist, I strode over to the large portal generator. I'll save the city, then console Nic.

Blitz told me earlier that a forcefield encompassed the generator so my forearm-reshaped into a hexagon tubelike blaster-fired a continuous stream of electricity at it until a shattering sound was heard.

Lowering my arm, I walked closer to the device. "All I got to do is blow it up right?"

"You've never been more wrong," Blitz said. "This generator is creating an extremely dense cluster of energy at its center. Dense enough to tear a hole in the fabric of spacetime, therefore, opening a wormhole. You'll only feed it more energy if you try to blast it."

"Woah, that's how wormholes are made?"

"It's a bit more complicated but is the lecture really worth the borrowed time we're running on?"

"Right," my eyebrows knotted in concentration. The sounds from the machine were getting louder. "So what can I do to stop it?"

"From my analysis, we need a nonreactive solid with high density to destabilize the reaction. Though it might lead to either an explosion or implosion."

"As long as it foils Kazar's plan." My eyes scanned around before falling on the overturned office desk at the end of the room. Electron grappling hooks launched from my shoulders and directed the desk straight into the swirling light at the center of the large ring-shaped machine. Disappointment washed over me when the desk incinerated on contact.

Blitz came again with the obvious. "We need something denser."

The busted metal capsule that was used to trap Blitz caught my attention. Rotore tech, must be dense enough, right?

Electron grappling hooks gave it a close-up with the now bigger reaction. It incinerated on contact too.

"Are you for real?" I groaned. "What could possibly be denser?"

The ground broke with a boom and out came Kazar, looking unfriendly as usual with barred ink-black teeth and menacing claws.

Wait a minute. I locked my thumbs and index fingers in a camera shape and peered through at the monster. "You must weigh a tonne!"

He threw a malicious punch at me which I barely ducked under. "I didn't mean it that way!"

He hammered down on my spine. Flashes of light filled my vision when I crashed to the floor. Luckily Blitz steered my jetpack out of harm's way and plopped me down on the farthest wall.

Kazar launched a barrage of spiky crimson claws at me.
My forearm reshaped into a neon-blue blade and I quickly got to slashing and hacking. Little did I know that was a distraction. Before I knew it I was in a choke hold pressed against the wall. My feet swayed frantically as Kazar raised me above his eye level. The look in his eyes showed he was enjoying this.

"It is over, human. The portal is as good as complete and now your world shall fall to the might of the Alx Army."

"You'll..." I wrestled for breath. "... never win...as long...as I'm still breathing..."

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