Hands | You

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(You're the yandere in this. Enjoy!)

(Warning: Violence, disturbing themes, ć̸͍͚̍̾̔͛ͅa̶̗͉̱̮̹͕̦͇͋̓͂͑̏̾̅͑̐̑̔̚͝n̷̨̮̙̓̌̇͊͛̏̇ǹ̵̢̺͉̯̘͈̫̙̞̹͈̔͐̕̕ã̴̼̪̣͔͊̇̔̏͑̑̒̀͠b̷̡̤̟͕̘͙̰̼̫̙̼̩̦͑̏͝ą̶͙̫̝̬̱̰̣̟̩̻̮͍͌͜ͅl̷̠̣̹̗̺̰͔͔̩̘͙̜͉̩̾͆̅͊̿̊͒́̃̈́̃̕͘̕ͅi̵̗͍̫̱͕͎̖̖̯͈̭̣̪̾̉̇́͐͐̇̏͂͛̉̃̚ͅs̴̪͖̲̭̯̲̺͉̗̜̠͓͈̞͒͂̌̀́̽̉̽̐̅̃͜m̶̨̨̳͎̻͚̳̪̮̫͙̬̠͒͌̽̈̈́̐̐͆͂̐͠͠͝ͅ)

"Flying above the clouds."

Humming a quaint tune as you walk along the clear sidewalk, you briefly close your eyes. 

"Heart full of ecstasy with every heated glance we exchange."

The food ingredients in the plastic bag you held were clasped in both your hands, but your grip loosened.

"If only we were never ending like the trickles of a river."

Rounding the corner, the familiar outline of the house pops into view. Synchronous houses line the block but you knew which one you had to go to. It was fairly obvious. How could you not know? 

"When even the torrent of the waterfall can't separate us."

Opening the door easily with the key in your pocket, you entered the house. You didn't need to announce your arrival; he already knew.

"Why can't we be together forever?" 

Taking out the foods you had bought from the market, you prepared them on the counter. You washed your hands first, ridding them of the dirt that had stained your hands ever since that detour you took.

"For eternity, just me and you."

Placing on an apron, you struggled to tie it. After a few minutes, you succeeded and gently moved your hair away from your eyes. 

"And you and me."

Chopping the vegetables with precision, your knife hardly faltered. It was years of practice that had your concentration and ability with sharp objects honed to near perfection. 

"Just us two, under the streams of flowing moonlight."

You set a pot on the stove and set the flame, dumping the vegetables in and simmering them to perfection. All the while, you prepared frying the rice with a special ingredient you recently bought.

"The moon is beautiful tonight."

Taking out the specially wrapped package, you take out the customized meat. Slicing it and placing small chunks into a saucer, you cook it until it's well done. While waiting for the meals to be ready, you decide to wash the small amount of dishes left in the sink.

"You never did answer back, but that's ok."

Sticking a spoon in the bowl of food you had just prepared, you smiled at your creation. It looked appetizing, accompanied with a scent that would've left Tantalus yearning for more. Carrying it on a cute tray, you waltzed upstairs, still in your frilly apron tied behind your back.

"One day you will with my help."

"Oh, Light~"

You were met with no answer. Raising an eyebrow, you stare down the brown door, the only thing separating you from Kira.

Steam still wafted up from the freshly cooked rice topped with pickled vegetables, just how Lights mother always made it. You sucked in your cheek, giving the man another chance to answer. A second passed, then two. 

Was he ignoring you? You made him food, loving food you had learned from his mother. 

The joyful mood you were in sucked away quickly. The locked door did not open.

"I said open up." Your tone switches from sweet to deadly, your entire facial expression dropping into an emotionless medium. 

Again, there was no sound. 

Rapping your knuckles on the door, your other hand balancing the tray, you whisper alluringly. "One last chance, boy. Open the door or I will."

Licking your lips, you await for his response and laughed when you didn't receive any. "That's funny. Just remember, I was merciful enough to give you time." Grabbing the doorknob, you harshly yanked it open, breaking the lock mechanism. 

Entering Lights bedroom, your gaze makes it way to the fallen figure on the bed. The gag around his mouth and the handcuffs cuffing him to his bedposts.

"Ohhhhhhhhh." You drawled, cooing. "How could I forget? Guess you can't open the door all tied up, right?" Taunting the boy, he didn't even have the energy to be upset. His delirious fever was starting to get worse and a trickle of sweat fell down the side of his forehead.

Sitting by his bedside, you smirked when he made no attempt to move away. He was learning. Although, it could just be his horrid fever, but hey, a win is a win.

Taking a spoonful of rice, you tore the gag and implored him to eat. "Eat up if you want to get better~"

"Y/-Y/N." Light couldn't help himself from stammering. His injuries were so painful he wasn't sure how he hadn't passed out yet. "Please, let me out. I promise, I can love you-"

His protests were cut off when you shoved the spoon in his mouth (Retribution for the "Savior" Oneshot), effectively shutting him up. "Shh... Don't speak. You'll only make me more upset with your lies."

Feeding him more, leaving him with no time to speak, you talk in place of him.

"The last time I did that, you went and betrayed my trust." You fake pouted, squishing his cheeks with your free hand. "I know Kira is ruthless, but playing with my love like this? That's not very nice."

"Y/N-" Light tries one more time but you silence him again with the spoon.

Your eyes glimmer with a clear intention. Don't speak.

"My name sounds so good coming out of your mouth. Don't talk about anything else, or else I might be tempted to cut out that cunning tongue of yours." You threatened with a sweet tone, smiling. You had leaned down to his ear at that point.

"Maybe it can match with your hands!" You were full out grinning at this point, your psychotic side fully coming out. Light could count on his hands how many things he was afraid of, but you were number 1 on that list. For a good reason. He couldn't resist shivering, even despite his hot temperature. 

For fun, you touched his arms, causing the man to suddenly groan in pain. The flesh from the wrist was harshly cut off with a butcher knife because of an impulsive decision, but that was for the best, you thought. 

He would still have his hands if he didn't try to write your name in the death note.

"Now eat up. I hear the nutrients in this meat is especially good for you."

His face was horrified at the implications and you giggled, enjoying the pure terror in his facial expression.

"If you only loved me, none of this would've happened."


(1020 words)

Due to the nature of the characters in Death Note, the yandereness tends to be concentrated to themes like stalking and kidnapping with full devotion...

That's why for whenever I do yandere reader, they'll be all out disturbing. 😀 Don't be like this real life, kids.

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