Gone | Light

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The world was a cruel place. 

There was no doubt about it.

Injustices plagued the very Earth Light walked upon. The poverty, the corruption and not to mention, crimes. The rich stole from the poor so the poor steal from the rich and the circle continues in a never-ending cycle. 

Light didn't like that. Not one bit. How could people preach one thing but turn their back on it the minute it turns inconvenient? There was no systematic order; no rules that were being consistently followed or upheld. 

So he took it upon himself to rid the world of scum and to become a savior of the common folk. Killing became a sort of pride to him that held him in high regard compared to the everyday citizens that cross the street. Sympathy was something he no longer had the minute he wrote down his first name in his death note.

So why did he feel so bad when he killed you?

No, he thought. He hadn't killed you; at least, not yet. You were somewhere in the state between alive and dead stuck in a heart attack.

Time seemed to pass slowly despite Light counting down the 40 seconds in his head. Why did it feel so long? 

All the other criminals he had offed were nothing more than a soon forgotten face and name written down in his death note. Never had his heart wrenched so violently and his pulse spiking like a roller coaster.

Kneeling down to see your face more clearly, his eyes could not be drawn away from your still captivating face. 

He could see you were in pain; your beautiful face scrunched up in betrayal.

After standing by his side for so long in the belief that he was innocent, never would you have ever thought your one friend would betray you like this.

You could feel your chest hurting so much you feared your chest would burst with the amount of pressure and strain your heart felt. Shaking on your chair, you tried to get up with the little energy you had before you stumbled to the ground.

The brown haired student placed a hand on your back to help you but you jolted away. 

Hitting the wall, your head started spinning. Gulping, you stay as still as you can to ease away the intense pain that was hitting you at the moment. 

A hand shifted your hair so it didn't stick to your face. You almost couldn't recognize the gentle touch there was behind the hands that had killed so many with only a pen. Now, you were already one name upon that long list of those he had deemed a wrench in his plan.

As he squatted in front of you, you were forced to look into his eyes in the last moments of your life. 

Was that a tear?

You didn't have the chance to see further before you felt all the pain go away. It was like bliss yet indescribable. It was as if your atoms were shed of the burden they had been carrying for eternity and were finally put to rest.

One moment, you were there. A woman, a daughter, a sister, a friend. 

Now, you're gone.

I did it, Light thought, I won. Despite knowing there was no one else in his path to victory, there was an ache somewhere deep within.

Feeling something strange near the outer corner of his eye, he brings a hand to wipe it away only to stop at the moist feeling. Bringing his hand down, the brown haired man notices that he had shed a lone tear.

His gaze hardening, he clenches his fists as glares down at your unmoving body. Not understanding the foreign twist in his chest, he found that it was hard to talk, like cement was forced down his throat. For once, his normally eloquent tongue was tied and it was as if his throat had closed up.

Light resented you for that. Before he met you, he didn't have to worry about his appearance in the mirror because he already knew he was perfect. He didn't have to rehearse a conversation multiple times because people were predictable and he most certainly didn't have to force his reactions to be real because they truly were around you.


E/C eyes that never judged.

H/C hair that he liked no matter the condition.

And not to mention your refreshing personality, like cool water in the summer heat. He especially loved that.


Light mused, thinking about all the time you spent together. Was it possible for him to have such a weak and pathetic emotion for someone?

But it wasn't just someone

He found his heart beating fast again and he clutched his chest, feeling lightheaded.

Picturing the emotion by itself was like a puzzle with a missing piece. It didn't fit until you came into the scene. Somehow, when he imagined him and you together, he didn't know how to describe it, the words leaving him again.

It just felt so right.

But it was too late. 

Light thought he had it all figured out. It was a necessary evil he had to commit for the greater good.

To Kira, he simply removed an obstacle in his objective to form a new world. But deep inside, he was still the same boy who believed in justice and equality and strived to be like his father. 

To Light, he lost a friend and the woman he loves.



You were gone, and there was no one else to blame but him.

You were naïve and he was paranoid.

Now, you're gone and he's heartbroken.

Maybe in another world, where if a shinigami hadn't dropped a book of death, then you two would've had a life together. Dated, gotten married and have kids. Light and you would've lead happy lives together in comfort.

But it's too late. Now he has to suffer the consequences.

The pages had already been written the moment Light took on the persona of Kira because he thought he cared about being a god more than you.

Just realizing the weight of his actions, he stumbled, falling to the floor beside your corpse.

What had he done in the name of justice?

For once, Light doesn't know what to do.


(1023 words)

I tried a different writing style today coupled in a little depresso expresso.

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