Deadly Mistakes | Light

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(Very ooc Light)

"Why are you here?" 

Your voice was grumpy and in the dark, you squinted to get adjusted to the bright patio lights. The man in front of your door had bright eyes that glimmered and a soft smile. "I'm Yagami Raito, but please call me Light."

"That doesn't answer my question." You leaned on the doorway, blocking his view into your house. 

"Y/N, who's at the door?" Your mother yelled out from the living room, catching your attention. 

"Her boyfriend-"

You slammed the door shut in that mans face, already irritated at his personality. "No one, mom!" Satisfied when she stopped prying, you opened the door again and glared at the man.

"Now, tell me, who are you really?" You raise an eyebrow, your gaze falling to the briefcase held between his entwined hands.

"I'm the Second Kira."

A second passed in utter silence. Was this really the person behind those murders?

Better to be safe than sorry, so before anyone could eavesdrop and possibly destroy your entire cover,  you grabbed Light by his collar. He yelped, letting you drag him inside the house. "Let's discuss this somewhere more private."

Right as you passed the living room doorway, your mother took a brief glance and looked back to the T.V. before doing a double take. 

"Y/N! Who is this fine man you've graced our presence with?" Your mom almost squealed like a schoolgirl when she realized you finally brought a boy home, and a handsome one at that. A pit of annoyance was surging but you forced it down, keeping a smile.

"Hello, miss." Light bowed slightly, his other hand still in yours. "I'm afraid I forgot to introduce myself-"

You cut his long and unnecessary introduction off.

"He's Yagami, I'm Y/N, you're M/N and we're heading to my room." You blunted said before pulling on Lights hand, dragging him up the stairs with him following like a stray puppy you had found on the street.

Your mother cooed and let you be, wiping a fake tear from her eye. "Young love."

"Why can't you be like that!?" She hissed at your father who was also in the living room regarding the interaction with slight curiosity. "You were just like that young man when we were young; what happened?"  

"My chivalry died the moment I got married to a hag."

"Why you- you're no prince charming either!"

While your parents were exercising their love language (insults), you sat on your bed and listened to Light explain his story as to how he found out you were Kira.

Lifting your leg and putting your ankle over your other knee, you leaned back, placing your hands to the back of your neck in a carefree fashion. Light was pressed up against the door on the other side of the room just of how intimidated he was by you.

I-I never imagined she'd be this gorgeous in person. He thought, hearts practically in his eyes. 

"Are you telling me that you'd lay down your life for me?" You place a hand under your chin carefully, enhancing your ethereal look.

Light immediately nodded. "I'd let you use me in the name of justice. I swear!" 

"Then prove it. How do I know you won't kill me now that you know my name and face?" You raise an eyebrow, daring the man to give words to backup his claim. 

If anything went wrong, you had your death note in quick access to give Light an easy, fast death. However, that would be the last plan as it would be hard to explain to your parents how the boy you brought mysteriously disappeared.

A resolved look appeared on the brown haired mans face but then he looked to the side as if something was there.

His Shinigami, you came to that conclusion. 

"No, Rem, I trust her." With that, Light opened his briefcase while walking closer to you, taking out a slim black notebook with a familiar set of words on the front. He held it in front of you as if he was offering it to a god.

No, he was offering it to a god.

It was someone who was greater than him and will always be.

A half-smile split your stone cold expression. It was filled with cruelty yet Light was entranced by it. A jolt flipped his stomach. He looked down, shyly avoiding eye contact with you, his heart beating rapidly all of a sudden. A bright blush was on his face and you noticed, your smirk growing.

Sparing a glance at his docile Shinigami, you looked back at your own who was guffawing at the boys peculiar actions. Light didn't know just what he was getting into.

Taking out a pen seemingly from thin air, you opened the notebook to see a bunch of names. Full pages were filled from even the tiniest of spaces.

You weren't impressed. 

You didn't forget the sloppiness his other killings were; he killed civilians which was something you vowed never to do. 

Flipping to an empty page, Light gazed up back to see your next action. He was almost kneeling in front of you and he held a bated breath in anticipation. You twirled the writing utensil in your hand, humming a tune.

"I wonder." Placing the tip of the pen on the paper, you looked down upon Light. "What if I write down your name?"

His heart skipped a beat and a lazy smile took over. "I would be honoured to have my life taken by you, Kira. The one who avenged my family and got justice for their murderer."

You wrote the first few characters of his name, playfully writing with a graceful demeanor. True to his words, Light wasn't panicking and it actually seemed like content with his future death if it was by your hands. 

"Hmm... Promise me you will obey my commands and never go against my word." You point your pen at him.

He nods, his face filled with something akin to love. "I promise. I could never hope to abandon you!"

Good, you thought. That'll make him loyal.

You crossed out his name with 2 straight lines, carelessly tossing the pen away and shutting the Death Note shut. Light caught the pen and vowed to cherish it forever while you amusedly watched him.

"I'll never leave your side!"  

Little did you know, he meant that literally. Wherever you'd go, he'd follow and on the off chance you died, he'd join you with no regrets. From the very moment he heard of your noble actions, he'd admired you but when he saw you outside that restaurant, it was love at first sight.

You merely dismissed him as a scrape goat for if something went wrong, but he considered you something more.

It was such a shame, really. You should've gotten rid of him from the moment you opened that door but it looks like even the great Kira makes mistakes. 

Deadly mistakes.


(1096 words)

Please hang in a little longer! I'm working on two more oneshots and they're both above 3000 words - maybe finishing at 5000 - so that'll be fun.

Thanks for waiting <3

Yandere Death Note Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن