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Guys, we are really sorry because we couldn't update for quite a while now.
we have written the draft but we are still browsing ideas for a good episode, and its taking longer than usual.
mostly when we are stuck up somewhere we discuss about possible solution in a joint meeting but these days we are not able to make the ends meet and its getting kind of crazy for us, so we want to apologize.

we hope to upload the next part later in the next week.
we are sincerely sorry for making you guys wait if you like the story and we hope that you co-operate with us.

lastly, we need to ask you something about a series, we hope you give us ideas.

we need an opinion on this
a series with 5 people, 1 MMC and 4 MML.
who should be in the cover?

A. the MMC
B. the MMLs
C. all five together

we previously announced this but we got to know that it was not visible so we thought to ask it here.
we hope to get your help on this issue.
thank you!

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